My name’s Irina Tkachuk, I’m a permanent makeup artist with 14 years of experience 😱 and the founder of the studio ti.lab.
I’ve set a goal for myself! After getting basic knowledge it is very difficult to orient oneself in the profession and understand everything, because on the courses we learn only 30% of the information. If it was a high-quality presentation, you graduate not as “a blind kitten”🙈. But as practice shows, the majority don’t get enough on the basic course 🤷. I want to help and inspire artists with some enthusiasm and energy for creating new masterpieces.
Without unnecessary information and complex phrases, I just talk about the difficulties. I suggest what to pay attention to and focus on. I help to find errors and fix them.
We are not born with the skill, we gain it during our creative career. Of course, it’s not easy and cloudless for everyone but I want to make this path as easy as possible 🙏
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