I’m Nova, a qualified online CBT therapist, dedicated to helping people who struggle with intrusive thoughts, OCD & anxiety. I used to struggle with these issues myself, feeling constantly stressed out, wondering, “Do I love my partner?”, “How can I be sure?” Through therapy and a lot of self-work, I transformed my life to feel lighter, carefree and peaceful. Now, as a therapist, I work with clients to empower them to do the same. My mission is to equip anyone who is struggling with the tools I wish I’d had when I was younger by taking the latest therapeutic research and delivering it in an easy-to-understand way. There are numerous research-backed methods for addressing depression, anxiety, OCD, and other mental health issues. Change, growth, and healing are achievable. If you would like me to personally guide you in your recovery journey you can apply to work with me one on one on my website: obsesslesstherapy.com/book-session.