In Which of These Cities Would You Most Want Me to Coach a Bootcamp?
1 year ago • AskToddV
In Which of These Cities Would You Most Want Me to Coach a Bootcamp?
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Atlanta, GA
Mexico City
Dallas, TX
Santiago, Chile
809 votes
5 years ago (edited) • AskToddV
Hey it’s been a while since I posted something on here. Thank you so much for subscribing, liking and participating in the comment sections. This channel has grown tremendously in 2019 thanks to your support! But getting to the point... What content are YOU most interested in seeing? Give me specific topics, suggestions, or questions that will help me to make this channel better in the next year. I love hearing from you guys. Post below! And if you haven’t already, follow me on IG @ toddvdating and join the community in the Closed Facebook group @ Todd V Insiders. See you there.
5 years ago (edited) • AskToddV
Just reached the 100K mark on this video. Thank you for the continued support and questions. What other topics do you want me to cover in future videos? Bring up your biggest sticking points and concerns in meeting and dating women. P.S. Share this vid with a friend if you think it’s something he might learn from.
6 years ago • AskToddV
Hey guys, this channel has blown up in the last few months thanks to your participation and feedback! Thank you. Here's what I ask from you... What do YOU want? Do you prefer breakdowns of the practical stuff like how to meet girls, what to say, how to handle real world situations? Or do you prefer talks about male and female dynamics, mindsets to be more confident, and general life advice? Let me know in the comments below! p.s. Drop your questions in the latest video while you're here. I answer your questions every week, yours may be the next video!
6 years ago • AskToddV
Hey guys just dropped my latest video, taken from a recent Immersion program in London. A client asked me how to get past the notorious "hot girl blasé." Here was my answer.
6 years ago • AskToddV
Approach anxiety... the thing that keeps most guys from EVER taking action in game. There are many solutions... psychological, physiological, motivational, biological... in the end though, integrity and desire have to be at the heart of the approach. Find out about the different cures to approach anxiety, and which may be best for you, in this video. for more inner game solutions
6 years ago • AskToddV
How to build confidence. We all know that being confident is attractive to women, but how can you be confident with women if you haven't already had wild success? Where does confidence come from? What is it based on? Are you enough, or do you need to work to get there? Here's a quick take on what is high value and where to find your self worth? Yes. Yes, I can. Here is a brief look. and check out for more inner-game solutions
6 years ago • AskToddV
Women cheat... I think most people know it happens, but most would be shocked by how often, and by how capricious women can be about sex. The core question here (in addition to the text on the question card) was one along the lines of, "If she likes me enough, she'll come back, right?" I used to live in a world where I thought that, too... then some of the stories in this video (and many many others like them) happened in my life.
6 years ago • AskToddV
In Daygame, small calibration errors are magnified by 100x. This usually results in the girl instantly rejecting you and ending the interaction in just moments. I talk about this and how to solve it in my newest video. Check it out if you haven't already.