12 hours ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 31 January 2025

What really is our relationship with Bhagawan? The Lord Himself expresses it to us in this profound message today!

Be simple and sincere. It is sheer waste of money to burden the pictures and idols in the shrines and altars of your homes with a weight of garlands, and to parade costly utensils, vessels and offerings, to show off your devotion. This is deception; it demeans Divinity, imputing to it the desire for pomp and publicity. I ask only for purity of heart, to shower Grace. Do not posit distance between you and Me; do not interpose the formalities of the Guru-sishya (Preceptor-disciple) relationship, or even the altitudinal distinctions of the God-Devotee relationship, between you and Me. I am neither Guru nor God; I am You; You are I - that is the Truth. There is no distinction. That which appears so is the delusion. You are waves; I am the Ocean. Know this and be free, be Divine.

- Divine Discourse, Jul 19, 1970.

There is nothing like I am Deva (God) and you are Jiva (individual). You and I are one only. Not realising this, you perceive unity as diversity. - BABA

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1 day ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 30 January 2025

As we practice Sadhana, what is it that we must always keep in mind? Bhagawan reminds us today so that we may take stock of our spiritual journey!

Men engage themselves in many outward sadhana (spiritual practices). These must be internalised. All scholarship is of no avail if there is no realisation in the heart. A scholar may expound the texts, but lack the internal experience. One who has mastered the Vedas may be able to explain the words, but cannot recognise the Veda Purusha, the Supreme Person hailed by the Vedas. When a person goes to a temple, he closes his eyes in front of the idol, because what he seeks is an internal vision of God and not a sight of the external form of the idol. God is Omnipresent as proclaimed in the Gita. God is One, though names and forms may differ. All education today is related to the physical world. It will not serve to reveal the Divine. It was this which impelled Shankaracharya to teach a scholar who was learning by rote Panini's grammar that at the moment of death only the Lord's name (Govinda) will save him and not the rules of grammar.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 09, 1994.

All branches of learning are like the rivers. The spiritual learning is like the ocean. - BABA

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2 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 29 January 2025

Why is probing into Truth and seeking Truth the most important pursuit in life? Bhagawan lovingly explains for us today!

Man is afraid of probing into his own truth, lest his pet opinions and attitudes be proved hollow and dangerous. As a result, his actions and thoughts pursue disturbing and discordant paths. What exactly is Truth? Is it the description of a 'thing seen' as one has seen it, without exaggeration or understatement? No. Or is it the narration of an incident in the same word as one has heard it narrated? No. Truth elevates; it holds forth ideals; it inspires the individual and society. It is the light that illumines man's path to God. A life inspired by Truth will enable man to live as man - not degrade himself to the status of a lower species. From dawn to dusk, from the moment of wakefulness to the moment of sleep, if he devotes himself to his own deeds, is that a life inspired by the Truth? No. By his good thoughts translated into good words and manifested as good deeds, man must promote Truth in society and prove its usefulness. He is the image of God. He must be aware of the image of God that shines in society also.

- Divine Discourse, Dec 08, 1979.

The chief duty of man is investigation into Truth. Truth can be won only through dedication and devotion. - BABA

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3 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 28 January 2025

What is the mistake that we all make in our pursuit for peace and solace? Bhagawan, our loving God, reminds us with a memorable example.

The unfortunate predicament of man today is that he is not recognising the powers within him and developing respect for them. He goes after the external, attracted by the physical forms. The relationship between the material and the subtle has to be understood. The remedy for man's ills is contained within himself. But man seeks remedies from outside. Here is an illustration of what happens in the world. A hotel and a drug store are adjacent to each other. When a hotel server gets a headache, he goes to the neighbouring drug shop for a pill to cure his headache. When the drug storekeeper gets a headache, he goes to the hotel for a cup of coffee to cure him, instead of taking one of his own pills. Likewise, people today tend to ignore the divinity within them, but hanker after many external objects. There is no need to go in search of the Divine. Men must develop firm faith in the Divinity within them. All that is needed is to turn the vision inwards to experience the Divine within.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 09, 1994.

Fulfilment of worldly desires will confer only temporary happiness. So, put a check on your desires. - BABA

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4 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 27 January 2025

Why should we strive to attain true joy and how do we attain it? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today with a beautiful example.

In the pure pellucid lake of the heart of man, the lotus of Divine aspiration is blossoming; instead of offering that flower at the feet of God, you try the trick of placing there flowers that fade, fruits that rot, and leaves that dry. Offer the heart that He has endowed you with, filled with adoration and love! Your Ananda is my Aahara (You bliss is My food), so, cultivate it. It grows only when you meditate on the source of Ananda, the goal of Ananda, namely, God. Sita was interned by the cruel King Ravana in the most beautifully laid-out garden in Lanka, called A-shoka-vana (the forest of no sorrow). The flower-beds, lawns and greeneries, trees and creepers, bowers and groves were most pleasing to the eye and refreshing to the mind. But, Sita derived no joy therefrom! She found therein only empty vanity, lust for power and foul pleasure. But, Sita felt real Ananda when an unattractive monkey started repeating the name of Rama from the branch of the tree under which she sat! The Lord’s Name was for her the source of unfailing joy!

- Divine Discourse, Apr 23, 1967.

Your goal is permanent and eternal bliss. It is within you and can be attained only through love. – BABA

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5 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 26 January 2025

What is the relationship between the body and the Lord? Why is it important to understand this? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today!

The human body is precious. Man today is not realising what he owes to his body. The body that is composed of the five elements, which has been given to man to understand his true nature, to recognise the truth about his immortal Spirit, and to experience the eternal within him, is being used for the enjoyment of physical pleasures. The body surely has not been given for this purpose. The body is a kshetra (shrine). The Indweller is the Kshetrajna (Knower). The relationship is that of sharira (body) and the shariri (Indweller). Instead of recognising this integral relationship, man is concerned with only the body and seeks to realise the Divine. How is this possible? The first requisite is for man to acquire the firm conviction that the Divine dwells in his heart. There is no need to search for the Divine elsewhere. There is no need to go to a forest and lead an austere life to experience the Divine who is within each one. When man turns his vision inward he can experience eternal Bliss.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 09, 1994.

Forgetting the God who is nearest and closest to them, people are trying to seek an invisible God elsewhere. - BABA

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6 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 25 January 2025

How can we overcome the obstacles and struggles in our daily living and stay focused on God? Bhagawan lovingly inspires us today with precious pointers and tips.

You have wandered far and wide, but neglected your home. You peep into stars in space, but keep your inner sky unexplored. You peep into others' lives and pick faults, talk ill of them; but, you do not care to peep into your own thoughts, acts and emotions and judge whether they are good or bad! The faults you see in others are but projections of your own; the good that you see in others is but a reflection of your own goodness. By meditation alone can you cultivate the good vision, taste for good listening, good thoughts and good deeds. By meditation, you get immersed in the idea of universality and the omnipotence of God. Is it not your daily experience that a bigger worry overpowers the smaller one and makes you forget it? When you fill your mind with idea of God and yearn for Him, and pine plaintively for Him, all lesser desires and disappointments, even achievements will pale into insignificance! You will forget them all; they will be submerged in the flood of Divine yearning and very soon, you will be immersed in the ocean of Divine Bliss!

- Divine Discourse, Apr 23, 1967.

If you develop love for all beings, in the faith that God resides in all, you may be anywhere else, but your prayers would reach me and my grace will reach you. - BABA

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7 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 24 January 2025

What actions performed by us have the ability to sanctify this human birth and allow us to find fulfilment? Bhagawan gives us all a clarion call today!

You may not get a chance to partake in some gigantic scheme of service through which millions may be benefitted; you can lift a lame lamb over a stile, or lead a blind child across a busy road. That too is an act of worship! A copy of Gita may be available for twenty-five paise; a puerile novel may cost ten rupees. Which is more worthwhile? Which can transmute base metal into gold? Seva is more fruitful than japa, dhyana, yajna and yaga, which are usually recommended for spiritual aspirants. For, it serves two purposes: the extinction of the ego, and the attainment of ananda (bliss). When someone sitting near you is sunk in sorrow; can you be happy? No. It may be that a baby weeps within hearing, most pathetically. You will get tears in your eyes in sympathy. Why? There is an unseen bond between the two. Man alone has this quality of empathy; he alone can be happy when others are happy, and miserable when others are miserable. That is why he is the paragon of creation, the acme of animal advance. Man alone is capable of seva; that is his special glory, unique skill!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 04, 1970

Speak soft and sweet; sympathise with suffering and loss and ignorance; try your best to apply the salve of soothing word and timely succour. - BABA

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8 days ago (edited) • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 23 January 2025

Human beings are capable of great achievements. But what is the one worthy purpose we must dedicate ourselves to? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us again today.

Embodiments of Divine love! From the most ancient times, men have been engaged in the search for God. The questions, "Who is God?" and "What is the means to realise God?", are not of today. They have been there from the earliest times and have agitated mankind ceaselessly. A few yogis, who comprehended the nature of the Divine and who felt that the purpose of human existence is to seek the Divine, undertook various spiritual exercises to discover how to achieve this objective. The purpose of human life is to realise the Divine. It is, in this context, that human birth becomes the rarest among all living beings. The ancient sages, recognising this truth, pursued different kinds of penances to experience the Divine. Some of them, feeling that the task was beyond their powers, gave up the quest in the middle. Some others, recognising that this was the sole purpose of human life persevered in their efforts with determination. When man sets his heart upon achieving anything, there is nothing impossible for him.

- Divine Discourse, Oct 09, 1994.

Every individual should regard the inquiry into nature of the Atma as the primary purpose of life. - BABA

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9 days ago • Sri Sathya Sai Global Council South Africa

Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 22 January 2025

How can we conquer death and become immortal? Bhagawan lovingly explains by reminding us of a precious tool that He Himself has given to help us in this process!

Rely on the Shiva (God) in you, not on the shava (corpse) that the body is, without Him. With every breath, draw His glory in; with every breath, exhale all that reduces His glory. Saturate your thought, word and deed with Divinity. Then, you can conquer death, and become immortal. Recite the Name of Shiva and save yourself. You are truly the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty. But you have misplaced the key which helps you to tap the springs. That key is in the realm of your inner consciousness; but, like the old woman who lost a needle in her dark hut, and searched for it under the street lamp (because, as she said, there was a patch of light underneath it), man is searching for it in the region of material objects in the outer world. It is to persuade you to engage yourself in Namasmarana (remembering of Lord's Name) that I am Myself concluding My discourses with a few namavalis (bhajans that are a string of divine names) which I sing!

- Divine Discourse, Mar 29, 1968.

Without the conquest of one's passions and desires and without realising the divinity that is immanent in every living thing, man cannot achieve peace, bliss within or harmony with the outside world. - BABA

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