1 year ago • Cudabear

Me: I'll kill a few vardorvis as a break from the skiller

Also me: 

1 year ago • Cudabear

Hi all!  I know I've been pretty inactive this Summer and Fall but I should have some new videos coming out shortly, including more level 3 ironman progress!  

After that, I'll be taking another hiatus for leagues 4.  In the past I've made series on the leagues but they have performed very poorly.  So this time around I'm just going to enjoy myself and not worry about making content about it.  

Hope everyone has a great fall and enjoys leagues! 

1 year ago • Cudabear

Unfortunately, the next episode of the ironman skiller series is still a ways off.  The clips just aren't coming as quickly!  I hope to have it out within the next week, though.  See you then! 

1 year ago • Cudabear

So I've hit a bit of a technical snag with some of the footage for the next Level 3 Skiller episode.  It's all resolvable but it's taking some time.  So that said I think the next episode will be delayed by a few days.  See you then! 

1 year ago • Cudabear

Hi All!  I was recently interviewed by  ‪@mayfieldosrs‬  for an OSRS Podcast!  If you'd like to learn more about my series, it's a great interview to check out.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnyfh... 

Mayfield & Friends Episode 16: Cudabear (OSRS Podcast)


1 year ago • 233 views

2 years ago • Cudabear

Look for a stream next week, and maybe a video around Christmas... 

2 years ago • Cudabear

Unfortunately, I have some bad news.  Over the next 6 months I'm going to need to focus heavily on IRL stuff.  I regret to admit this means I'll be going on hiatus for the foreseeable future.  One day I'll be back, but for now priorities just have aligned them in an inconvenient way.  

You may see an occasional video or stream from me over the next half year or so, and I still have quite a bit of footage for time traveller I'm planning on putting out eventually, but for the most part you can expect quiet from this channel for the next while.  

Thank you again for watching and subscribing, and see you in a while!


2 years ago • Cudabear

What if I made a very casual RS3 series when Fresh Start Worlds come out? 




243 votes

2 years ago • Cudabear

OSRS Trivia has become a bit too big of a burden for me to make every month.  It takes me 4-5 hours to make which is easily 10-20% of the time I have to work on videos for a given week.  So that said, I'm going to be discontinuing OSRS trivia into the future, sorry to those who really enjoy it.  (Jon and Studio especially!)

Now the question: we could still do monthly trivia using Kahoot's premade trivia games.  These would be generic topics like movies/decades/sports/etc.  On the third Thursday of each month, should we make generic trivia a thing, or should it just be a regular chill stream? 

I love trivia! Let's keep doing generic triva.

I'd prefer to just hang out in a normal progress stream.

112 votes