I want to interview you! Yes, you reading this right now :) I want to conduct my own personal research for future videos and guides in order to better help you travel and understand Japan so I'd love to video chat with as many of you as possible! But first, in order to find the right people to talk with, fill out this 2-min survey here: https://forms.gle/2nNW1tL54MUZoxhJ7 I'm hoping to interview as broad a group as possible so please do your best to answer truthfully. If selected, you'll receive an email from me asking you to select a time to chat, sometime between January 25-28th for around 30mins. We'll get to chat one-on-one and I'll ask you all my burning questions about Japan and travel! 🙏 If this sounds like something you're interested in, I'd love to hear from you! Just fill out the survey and if selected, I'll be in touch: https://forms.gle/2nNW1tL54MUZoxhJ7 Thank you as always for the support! I hope to hear from you soon :D EDIT: Thank you to all of you who applied! I've now stop accepting new applicants. I'll be sending out email invites in the next day or two so keep an eye on your inboxes.
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