Stock market investing is not easy but if you apply a little bit of common sense, it can be much easier.
Helping people to make smarter financial decisions is the mission of this channel.
You can make better financial decisions by:
Having the right investing mindset (we do not speculate and hope - we see how the risk and reward fits our investment goals).
Doing good analyses (earnings and cash flows alongside a margin of safety is what makes a stock portfolio grow over the long-term)
Disclaimer: All videos are provided for informational purposes only. Nothing contained herein should be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell any investment or security, or to provide you with an investment strategy. Nor is this intended to be relied upon as the basis for making any purchase, sale or investment decision regarding any security. Rather, this merely expresses my opinion, which is based on information obtained from sources believed to be accurate.
Joined February 7, 2025
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