2 years ago • RSD ELECTRICAL

A huge thank you to each and every one of my subscribers for helping the channel hit 1500 subs, it genuinely means so much to me and I appreciate all the support so far and there's plenty more to come over the next few months and beyond. The aim for the rest of the year is to get as close to 2000 subscribers as possible so please share the channel as much as you can.

The eagle eyed among you and people who actually read the video descriptions will also see that I have enabled Super Thanks and also signed up for BuyMeACoffee (Monster). Any and all contributions will be put directly back into the channel whether that be for new tools, products or for recording equipment to bring you the best possible content I can. 

As always feel free to get involved in the comments and tell me if there's anything in particular you'd like or not like to see whether its street lighting or domestic sparky related and I'll do what I can to bring it to the channel.

Thank you, Ryan  ‪@rsdelectrical‬ 

2 years ago • RSD ELECTRICAL

Apologies everyone for the lack of content over the last month or so but I have had a few things going on out-with YouTube that have had to take priority. RSD Electrical has also really began to take off over the last few months so hopefully in time it will mean a lot more content for the channel.

 There will be a new video out this Friday at the usual time so keep your eyes peeled for that and I will try to get back to my regular schedule of uploading once per week ( Fridays at 3PM).

Thank you to everyone who has supported the channel it really is appreciated.

Ryan - RSD Electrical 

3 years ago • RSD ELECTRICAL

I would like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of my subscribers for helping the channel hit 1000 subs, it genuinely means so much to me and I appreciate all the support so far 👏🏻 

3 years ago (edited) • RSD ELECTRICAL

Merry Christmas to all the subscribers I hope you and the family have a fantastic day.

There will be another video due out on Friday 31st as well as one on 7th January, both at 3pm, to keep the content coming out for you guys.

I plan to record and upload a video sometime in the new year with a channel update where I will outline my plans for the channel going forward and my ideas for some future content.

In 2022 I really want to push the channel on and hit the 1000 subscriber milestone which thanks to you guys isn’t too far away. The support I’ve had so far has been mind blowing and I’m very grateful for it 😊

Have a good one, Ryan. 

3 years ago • RSD ELECTRICAL

New video going live at 3pm today. Bit of a longer one with it lasting about 35 minutes. You can let me know in the comments whether you guys prefer them to be a bit shorter or if your happy with some longer videos in the future 👍🏻