Hi, I'm Anil Agarwal. I founded BloggersPassion in the year 2010. It all started when I completed my MCA and then got an SEO Job. And then I realized. Life is very tough this way. Basically, managing my expenses, taking care of my family. It was seemingly tough. Then I started Blogging. Things happened over time. It is going to take time for you as well. But, I would like to say to you - "You're going to earn a heart warming amount with your consistent efforts." Referring to just one of my video - BlueHost Affiliate Program Review on this BloggersPassion Youtube Channel. I showed people the amount I have earned from this one affiliate only. Many disapprove, some believe and eventually few of my top content viewers earn a decent amount of money and provide their families. I would say- Keep working Boys and Girls. You Father and You Mother. Keep working and the quality of your work is going to pay you in the High End. With Regards Anil Agarwal. Founder: BloggersPassion