We're the best at what we do - runnin' the Mugen underground since 2010. Underground Mugen collective specializing in mugen/art commissions, advanced Mugen stages, screenpacks, Art & Graphic design. HISTORY: Newagemugen is a private M.U.G.E.N stage, screenpack & professional Art/graphic design creator collective started in 2005 during the early days of the Winmugen engine. (Formerly named Club-Syndicate-Xtreme, "Phantom Gs", Tier-1, and MugenFlowzone) In 2010, Newagemugen was founded by GLB (GirlfriendslilBro), BIGBOSS aka GRAYFOX, and Quicksilver after Club Syndicate Xtreme and PhantomGs forums closed. Reunited as Team Newagemugen we formed a new forum to continue working together on private M.U.G.E.N content and graphics. Previously working mostly from the shadows, Newagemugens members have produced some of the most timeless classic and aesthetically dank legacy Mugen content still relevant to this day. But now we're public and we want you! Join us today!
5 years ago