3 weeks ago • Kaluven The British

I noticed this was on sale today, so it's finally time for me to find out if it's really as bad as people say... 

2 months ago • Kaluven The British

This image sums up the game I've just started playing this weekend. 

3 months ago • Kaluven The British

I am working on a new vid, but the research I do for the first few minutes of background on a game went a bit out of control when the accepted story didn't quite add up, and now it's turned into a 10 page monster about release dates, development deals and the relationships between publishers and developers. Might take me a while to get finished!

Currently trying to decide if should trim it all out and just stick to the game itself, or crank out a 30 minute video that might send a lot of you to sleep.

If you want a clue, it's about an RTS from the mid 2000s that was the downfall of the particular studio in question. 

3 months ago (edited) • Kaluven The British

Time to start throwing around that big youtuber money and check this one out for myself. 

3 months ago • Kaluven The British

In between some gameplay and research for my regular videos I've been working on a series of guides for the Beyond All Reason single-player scenarios. Not for everyone, but I fancied creating something a bit different so they should go up over the coming week while I play more lovely Rise of Nations. 

6 months ago • Kaluven The British

Strategy Soundtracks. Which strategy games have the best soundtracks...that aren't written by Frank Klepacki or Jeremy Soule? 

6 months ago • Kaluven The British

I know this sounds a little over the top, but during the making of first minute of the 1k sub video I really felt connected to the spirit of 90s Westwood Studios. Putting together a costume out of a few bits I could scrounge up, making a background out of some stock images, drawing and animating the wireframe gunboat. It must have been a very exciting time to work there. 

7 months ago • Kaluven The British

Does anyone read these? I have no idea. it looks like I might be lucky enough to reach 1k subs, and as such I feel like I should make a video celebrating that milestone. So, if you have a question for me let me know and I'll do my best to answer it.

It can be about the channel, about me, what I think about particular games or mechanics or perhaps my favourite all season multi-purpose weed killer. You decide.