Who must go?
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1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
Who must go?
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
I could think of countless ways that money could have been spent that would have been of greater benefit to the American people. They American people did not vote for this. They weren't even asked. But he is right though that Russians are dying. But far less than the number of Ukrainians that are dying. Neocons don't care. They will happily sacrifice the entire population of Ukraine just to hurt the Russians a little bit. If you don't see how that is evil, then I don't know what else to tell you. https://twitter.com/upholdreality/status/1662556104444846082?s=20
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
We should not be in Syria, and we definitely should not be doing these extrajudicial killings of civilians.Neocons are targeting and killing civilians as a way to help them cope with the fact that American global hegemony is dying, and rightly so. America is supposed to be a republic, not an empire. Stuff like this is why we are hated throughout the world. Something like Al Qaeda never could be defeated this way, in fact it only helps with their recruitment of new terrorists. But this war on terrorism nonsense was never really about defeating terrorism anyway. It was just a racket to enrich the MIC. https://thecradle.co/article-view/25049/us-kills-syrian-shepherd-claiming-he-was-al-qaeda-leader
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
Based Ukrainian mutineers. Ukrainians don't want to go into the meat grinder to line the pockets of the corrupt Zelensky regime. Who can blame them? I expect to see more of these mutiny incidents as the war drags on, Ukraine's situation deteriorates, and morale plummets. Zelensky may have said that he would fight to the last Ukrainian, but the Ukrainian people have a say in the matter. Nothing says "Nyet!" as resoundingly as a bullet in the head of your commanding officer. When this starts happening on a massive scale, the tyrant in Kiev will know that his days are numbered. I hope the Ukrainian people catch him and give him the Mussolini treatment. Death to tyrants! https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1661858674308968449?s=20
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
"Muh White supremacy" is leftist dog-whistle for being factually correct. The truth doesn't care about the Left's feelings. This is why American global hegemony is dying. America itself is collapsing on every front. Because of this garbage "woke" ideology of the Left. Libtards and Neocons are seething at me because I speak the truth and they know it. Call me "schizo" or whatever ad hominem you want, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm right. You know why Russia has Hypersonic missiles and America is struggling to catch up? It's because Russia doesn't have this "facts are racist" mindset the west does. Something like a hypersonic missile requires complex and precise mathematics to pull off. You will never achieve that with "wokeness". You can either be "Woke", or you can be a relevant world power, but you cannot be both. At least not in the long term. The west is committing suicide. Telling me to "take my meds" isn't going to correct the problem, because this isn't a problem that exists within me. You cannot solve external problems by taking some kind of pill internally. It is the external problem which must be corrected. Do you understand?
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
The CIA can't seem to catch a break. The puppet regimes they install keep being defeated. They used to be able to do better than this. What went wrong? Too much "wokeness"? lol Eat shit, neocons. Cope and seethe.
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
They just don't make it like they used to.
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
Long before the fall of Bakhmut, I predicted the pro-Ukraine shills would backpedal/gaslight the significant of the city with their "we didn't need it anyway" cope. Its the exact same moving of the goalposts they did with Mariupol and everything else, so you could see this coming in advance. These people are so predictable. Unfortunately for them, we have the receipts, showing how important Ukraine considered the city to be, and how this narrative has changed over time. Here are a few examples. The first from CNN articles, and the other from the Kyiv Post citing Zelensky himself. None other than the president of Ukraine himself, Zelensky, said that Bakhmut was important in his OWN words. This puts the pro-Ukraine side between a rock and a hard place. They must either agree with him that Bakhmut is significant, and thus losing it was a blow to Ukraine. OR they have to call him a liar and/or idiot by insisting that he is wrong despite of what he said. Neither one is good, but pick your poison. Either way is an L for Ukraine. Furthermore, despite the fact that the importance of Bakhmut was outright explicitly stated by Zelensky and others, this is also proven by the fact that Ukraine went all in on their defense of the city. This should go without saying, but you do not go all in on the defense of something unless you consider it important. Ukraine fought tooth and nail to try to hold onto this city, but had it ripped from them. I also want to address the absurdity of the pro-Ukrainian side trying to dismiss this city of 70,000 people as some "small town". What's hilarious is they often do this while at the same time showing burned our pictures of high-rise buildings. What "small town" has high-rise buildings? Also, I want to add that the pre-war population of a place correlates poorly with how significant that place is or the importance of the battle that took place there. For example, almost everyone has heard of the battle of El-Alamein in WW2 and knows how important that battle is, but as for the town of El-Alamein itself? Look it up on Wikipedia. The population is only 7k. So does that mean this battle was irrelevant because the population that lived there is so small? No, of course not. And in any case, Bakhmut's pre-war population is 10x that of El Alamein's. So if El Alamein was important (which it was) despite being only 7k population, then surely a city 10x larger must also be, right? But its not the population of the city itself that makes Bakhmut so important. Look up a map of the road and rail networks in Ukraine and you'll see how important Bakhmut is for the logistics of Northern Donbass. The capture of this city (or town, if you insist) massively improves Russia's logistical situation, while as the same time also massively degrade's Ukraine's. The loss of Bakhmut means that many other Ukrainian held places in the area will now wither on the vine due to being cut off from resupply. So I expect that over the course of the next couple months, you will see some big Russian gains on the map. Because this city was the lynchpin for northern Donetsk, in much the same was as Popasna was for northern Luhansk a year ago. After Popasna was captured, it didn't take long before Severodonetsk and Lysychansk fell like Dominos. Remember, it all comes down to logistics.
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
How it started Vs. How it is going: The Fortress city of Bakhmut has been captured by the Russians, and this has been confirmed by Zelensky himself. I guess the Russians never got the memo that the city was "impregnable". https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-05-21/ukraines-zelenskiy-appears-to-confirm-loss-of-bakhmut The guy that said he would be giving me "updates as they come" during the Autumn has been strangely silent ever since then. I wonder why.... To his credit he did say something about Russia pulling T-55s out of storage, and I often here this stuff in MSM about how Russia is "running out of ammo" and forced to fight with shovels and so on. You mean to tell me that NATO is losing a proxy war to THAT?! Weird flex, but okay. Regardless, no matter how you want to paint the side that NATO is losing to, the fact of the matter is that they are losing to it. Its just less embarassing if you paint them as a military competent side rather than some bumbling clones with shovels, because the only thing that's worse than bumbling clowns with shovels is the side that loses to them. Also, in other news, Ukraine's top military leader Zaluzhny has not been seen publicly in something like 2 weeks now. There is much speculation that he may have either been killed or seriously injured either in combat or he was assassinated by Zelensky because because of him being a potential threat to him. I don't know what the truth is behind any of that speculation, but the fact he hasn't been seen in so long doesn't bode well. But then again, back at the start of the war Ukraine falsely claimed to have killed something like 50 Russian generals, but then subsequently most of them later turned out to be alive. So maybe Zaluzhny is also fine. Who knows? Zelensky has not been in Ukraine since April when the failed attempt to assassinate Putin by attacking the Kremlin with a drone happened. Ukraine officially denies that they were behind that, but the fact they issued a stamp commemorating it (like they did the terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge last year) seems be all but an admission of their guilt. But Zelensky has not returned to Ukraine since then. Perhaps because he is afraid for his life. As the saying goes, when you take a shot at the King, you better not miss. Maybe Russia killed Zaluzhny after that failed assassination attempt on Putin. Maybe Zelensky will be next. I don't know. When it comes to fog of war, all you can do is speculate. In any case, Zaluzhny seemed a pretty competent general, so if it is true that he is dead then this is a massive blow for Ukraine, and its unlikely anyone that replaces him would be as competent. Believe it or not, Zaluzhny was actually a pupil of General Gerasimov, the top Russian general in this conflict. So it was like a Pupil facing his former Master. Like when Anakin faced against Obi-Wan, or something like that.
1 year ago • Father Elijahcal
" #MakeAmericaSmartAgain " A major part of being smart is the ability to critically think. Blind cult-like trust in "science" isn't that. Real science isn't afraid of being questioned or challenged in the free-market of ideas. If something can be destroyed by the truth, then it deserves to be destroyed by the truth. This is how I knew early on this whole COVID thing was bullshit when they started banning critics and scientists like Dr. Robert Malone from various platforms for "muh misinformation". Well, if the facts were really on their side they wouldn't have had to ban all these people, now would they? If the Vaxxtards were right, then the evidence should be overwhelming and irrefutable. They wouldn't have to rely on force by banning people or bribing people with donuts, or forcing them to lose their jobs, etc. Anything that must be propped up by force is garbage. The truth can stand on its own. Anyway, looks like the Buck stops here. Too bad he didn't live to see it, but he would be happy to know that his "MakeAmericaSmartAgain" hashtag is coming to fruition -- one Darwin award at a time.