看了這條影片了嗎?這到底是什麼動物?快來說說你的答案~ 等等來公佈答案!
2 months ago • HY STORY
看了這條影片了嗎?這到底是什麼動物?快來說說你的答案~ 等等來公佈答案!
3 months ago • HY STORY
小朋友,你們看了《one tree》這個故事了嗎?這本書的特別之處是有98%的可回收物料製造!真真正正的一本環保書籍,可以到圖書館或者是書店找找這本書唷!在日常生活,你也可以成為環保小先鋒,例如是進行垃圾分類,將可回收的廢物拿到「綠在區區」的回收環保站。 以下是「綠在區區」的網站,快看看最近你家的回收點在哪裡吧! https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/greencommunity #綠在區區 #環保 #大嘥鬼 #慳BB #香港環境局
4 months ago • HY STORY
小朋友,你們看了新故事了嗎?還沒看故事的趕快去看唷! 故事中,日鋒跟子宸在展覽中得知有個港鐵遊玩活動,快來看看詳情吧! 今年是港鐵45週年喇!為慶祝港鐵開通45週年,港鐵特意舉辦了港鐵45周年嘉年華「ChillFun 鐵路樂園」,活動設有五大園區,為大眾帶來一系列充滿鐵路元素的遊樂設施、模擬駕駛體驗、攤位遊戲以贏取限定禮品,非常適合一家大小去玩樂! 平日 活動日期:二零二四年九月二十五日(星期三)至九月二十七日(星期五) 開放時間:下午一時至晚上九時(最後入場時間為晚上八時三十分) 周六及周日 開放日期:二零二四年九月二十八日(星期六)至九月二十九日(星期日) 開放時間: (1) 上午十時至下午三時(最後入場時間為下午二時三十分) (2) 下午四時至晚上九時(最後入場時間為晚上八時三十分) 免費入場 *小小提醒:「Chill Fun 鐵路樂園」周六及周日場次須憑早前開放預約登記的二維碼入場門票進場入場* 官網: https://www.mtr.com.hk/ch/customer/main/mtr-carnival.html 已經去玩的朋友們,歡迎留言分享你們的體驗唷~
4 months ago (edited) • HY STORY
農曆八月十六是「追月」,正所謂「十五的月亮十六圓」,昨晚突然迎來一場大雨,未能好好欣賞美麗的月亮,不用感到可惜!在「追月」,可以繼續欣賞依然皎潔明亮的月色唷! 小朋友,你們有聽過有關中秋節的傳說嗎?快去看看《嫦娥奔月》,認識一個歷史悠久的故事吧! 記得要訂閱、讚好、分享唷! The 16th day of the lunar calendar is "Chasing the Moon"! As the saying goes, "The 15th moon is full on the 16th". Although there was a sudden downpour last night, preventing us from fully appreciating the beautiful moon, don't be sad! We can still admire the bright and clear moonlight on the "Chasing the Moon" day. Little ones, have you heard any legends about Mid-Autumn Festival? Go check out "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" and learn about this long-standing story! Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share!
5 months ago (edited) • HY STORY
彩色怪獸是引導孩子敏銳覺察、 自在表達的最佳工具。 情緒是一種抽象的東西,故事透過顏色將不同的情緒表達出來,有助孩子的理解。快將開學了,面對未知的新環境,孩子一定感到又期待又緊張!就連彩色怪獸都感到擔心,想把一些防災用品放入書包...... 家長陪伴孩子看故事時,可以引導孩子觀察彩色怪獸的顏色,原來彩色怪獸感到緊張時會變綠色、開心時會變黃心、感到被愛時會變成紅色,將情緒具體化,讓孩子理解自己的情緒! 快看故事吧!記得要訂閱、讚好、分享唷! The Color Monster is the perfect tool to guide children in developing keen awareness and expressing themselves freely. Emotions are abstract, but the story uses colors to express different emotions, making them easier for children to understand. School is about to start, and children will surely feel both excited and nervous about the new environment. Even the Color Monster feels worried and wants to pack some emergency supplies in his backpack... When parents accompany their children to read the story, they can guide them to observe the colors of the Color Monster. They can learn that the Color Monster turns green when he feels nervous, yellow when he is happy, and red when he feels loved, making emotions tangible and helping children understand their own feelings! Go to watch the story! Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share!