I didn’t mean for it to happen but I suppose that I have been taking a little break from uploading videos. Most of the break has happened already (meaning new videos will come out soon). But sometimes in this life we move fast, full of inspiration and other times we take each day one step at a time. My father needs my help right now and it is a no brainer that I help him. I don’t care about algorithms or monthly progress. Metal Detecting NYC is somewhat of a lifelong mission. I metal detect because I was fortunate enough to tune in to a process that I love to do. I love to dig holes and find stuff. I like to get my steps in and I feel balanced and happy when I metal detect. I have learned a LOT since I started to consistently upload videos in 2019.. I’ve gone from a guy that loves to dig holes to one that collected detectors to really understand the differences, to one who scored his dream gig with XP. What I am trying to say is that what I do here is very important to me. I haven’t been able to metal detect much this year but that is temporary and it is not because I lost love for metal detecting. Family comes first and my family needed me. So thank you for the continued patience. I should be back very soon. - Merrill
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