3 days ago (edited) • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Sometimes it is hard to believe a person's behaviors and attitudes we once thought were fairly balanced, fair, and sensible change over time. 

When we hit a bump in the road with that person (i.e., family, friend, boss, coworker, neighbor, etc), we may begin to see the truth of who they are. 

We may observe:
-backbitting and gossiping
-social and familial ostracism
- arrogance and pride as a defense
-anger and unnecessary hostility 
-deception and denial 
-triangulation and manipulation
-social and relational harassment and/or bullying
-jealousy and envy
-competition and narcissistic rage, etc. etc. etc. 

These kind of behaviors can be observed in a toxic family dynamic between siblings, in a relationship with neighbors, within a marriage or committed relationship, and on your daily job. 

These behaviors, among many more, can take an emotional toll on your psyche and your ability to cope. 

*Join me TONIGHT 8:30pm est as I discuss the psychology of sneaky siblings.

**BONUS VIDEO the psychology of limerence this week!

*Join me FRIDAY 6:40pm est as I discuss the psychology of relational bullies in all relatinship types. 

*Join me SATURDAY as I discuss the psychology of "mindblindness" (i.e., not having "eyes" to see evil behaviors). 

7 days ago (edited) • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Did you know "toxic love" is a concept?" 

It means the kind of love that always ends up being deceptive, manipulative, and short-term. 

I always believed in the concept of love. 

It's an unending and self-less process of giving without the promise of getting back in return. 

In true love there is often a fork in the road where you and the other person have to decide the choices you are going to make, the sacrifices you may have to make, and the losses you may experience. 

Nothing is done for the self. A lot is done for the other.

But what is life when the idea of love is minimized by the evil, uncaring, controlling, and deceptive behavior of those you are in relation to?

The constant commercialized images of love and happy marriages, families, and other relationships can be a reality (temporarily, long-term, etc.) for SOME PEOPLE. 

Not all.

To make matters worse, some families live a life of fantasy, lies, and deception which can haunt you (i.e., perhaps the one who isn't going along with the lies) for the rest of your life.

* Join me Friday 6:40pm est as I discuss the Dark Psychology of the "wrong love mindset"

*Join me Saturday 6:40pm est as I discuss the Psychology of setting boundaries with toxic family and relationships.

10 days ago (edited) • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Extra-sensory perception and neurological exploration has been a very controversial topic for many years. 

In fact, if you told your PCP or neurologist that you have a deam and then awake only to see your dream play out right before your eyes. 


Let's say that the PTSD flashbacks and avoidance symptoms you have been having including sensory changes, distortion of perception, or very vivid dreams can all be the result of a neurological condition including but not limited to epilepsy, PTSD, stroke, and more. 

This past weekend has been the most stressful for my family. My siblings and I have done a lot of supporting, running, organizing, protecting, and sheltering for the past 4 days. 

But because of the love we have for our mom, we will do it. 

Sadly, the story of her short journey will be discussed TONIGHT 7:30pm est as I discuss ESP and the psychology of traumatic experience on the brain. 

If you have ever been diagnosed with a neurological condition, you most likely understand where I'm going. 

*Join me TONIGHT 8:30pm est as I discuss the psychology and neurology of ESP and neurology.

**And because I missed last week's live chat, join me Friday and Saturday 6:40pm est for the psychology of "real boundaries" and "mind-blindness." 

13 days ago (edited) • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

I'm so sorry I cannot be on YouTube with all of you this weekend. I have to take the weekend to care for my mom. 💖

She is currently in the hospital being monitored. Recovery is difficult right now. I just need to be by her every single second that I can. She's done it for me all these years. Thankfully, she is talking, engaging, and hopefully healing. I am considering posting a video about what has happened as a form of awareness. It's so many mixed emotions. 

The picture below is what my siblings and I gave mom last year. It means so much more now.

Please know that I wish I could be here with you tonight but I will be back next weekend.

Please keep us in your prayers. 🙏 

2 weeks ago • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Stalkers are very intimidating because of their persistence and their lack of awareness including self-awareness as to how they are impacting other people.

We all know that male stalkers often have the most media attention and they have been the most studied in psychology.

But when it comes to female stalkers who lack boundaries and feel a "false connection," things become complicated.

Most female stalkers tend to be intimacy seekers or resentful and angry stalkers because something either:
1. didn't go their way,
2. the person they are stalking is married, 
3. the person is not interested in maintaining a friendship or a love relationship, or 
4. has put up a boundary they don't like.

*In tonight's impromptu video, I will be discussing the dark psychology of female stalkers. 8:30pm est.

***And join me LIVE 6:40pm est Fri and Sat as I delve into these issues and more!! 

2 weeks ago (edited) • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Coming TONIGHT 8:00pm est!!! 

2 weeks ago • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

It can be very difficult being around people who simply don't understand that you have the right to:
-demand respect
-offer your time when it is convenient for you
-not be offended by profanity, bad language, cultural offenses, etc.
-support financially who you trust and believe will respect your earning(s)
-move when you get ready 
-make changes that are for your benefit and those you care about
-date or marry who you feel can/does love you
-be friends with who makes you happy/feel loved 
etc. etc. etc. 

Toxic and unhealthy family dynamics and relationship dynamics often includes a loss of respect for your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and space. 

You are expected to go along to get along. "Don't say anything!"

You are not respected as an individual which will eventually cause you to either lash out or set a very firm boundary that doesn't seem fair to others. 

Once you set that boundary, expect in return:
-anger, resentment, hostility 
-carrying the attitude of one who has been offended 
-stonewalling and gaslighting 
-frustration and intolerance of your boundaries 
-self-centered behaviors and selfishness that has increased 
-manipulation of the facts or truth of why you set that boundary 

**Join me Friday and Saturday 6:40pm est as I discuss the Psychology of Setting Real Boundaries and the Psychology of "Mindblindness." 

***I will also post 1-2 impromptu videos this week! 

2 weeks ago • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Coming TONIGHT 7:30pm est!
 #toxicfamily   #traumabonds 

3 weeks ago • Támara Hill, MS NCC CCTP LPC

Coming TONIGHT 8:30PM est!!!