2 months ago • Martin The Garden Guy

Hi guys, thanks for the awesome feedback regarding using music on this channel.

Its seems quite unanimous about leaving this channel as it is, but also there are quite a few who like having music on the videos they watch.

With that in mind, I have started a second channel which will have videos edited with tunes on :

Please subscribe if this is for you, the videos wont be exactly the same on this channel as the will be new ones and re-edited videos as well.  A small vocal intro, and then into the relaxing garden music! 😊👍

Thanks again for the feedback, just to clarify, this channel will remain as it is 👍😊 Thank you all so much for your continued support.

2 months ago • Martin The Garden Guy

Hi guys, I hope every one is well 👍 Quite a few people have mentioned that having a second channel with music playing over the videos instead of engine and general garden noise (plus me talking 😂) would be a good idea.

You lot are my "go to" experts on such matters, so what do you think? 

Make A Second Channel With Music!

Play Music On This Channel!

301 votes

3 months ago • Martin The Garden Guy

Hey everyone, I'm not helping enough people!

The reason for me starting this channel was to help as many people as possible with their gardens.  As many of you know I've become a little obsessed with a certain 400 year old property! 😂 
Although many of us are enjoying the journey of this rather epic garden transformation, it has, unfortunately led me to not be able to help as many people as I would like.

That changes tomorrow! I will be releasing a new video of me helping out a absolute gentleman, single father and someone with very serious health problems.  Here is his garden.
Video goes live around  18:00  (GMT) I hope you enjoy.

Please note, I will also be continuing with the 400 Year Old Property and its garden transformation 👍😅 

9 months ago • Martin The Garden Guy

Hello guys, I hope everyone's ok? It has recently come to my attention that someone has opened up a FAKE Facebook page called "Martin the garden guy" and has stolen all my YouTube content 😢
For any of you who use Facebook, could you please do me the greatest favour and report this via Facebook. Its very simple to do.

The FAKE account is   https://www.facebook.com/MisionH2O  its very simple to report via the Facebook app.
My REAL account is    https://www.facebook.com/MartinTheGardenGuy  

Unfortunately, I set my account up with Facebook but didn't post anything as I was working hard on YouTube content, so this person now has far more followers than I do! 😂 but if you report it, FB will take it down.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, its truly appreciated.
All the best
