4 months ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

There are levels of understanding to breathing mechanics...
YES, improper breathing patterns can lead to a host of issues including distorted neck posture, tight neck muscles, facial asymmetries, dental issues, and more.
Many online educators (including myself) talk about the importance of breathing thru the nose 👃 using the diaphragm.
The real question is tho…why is it SO common for people to NOT be breathing nasally using the diaphragm?
After-all, we are supposed to breathe this way naturally by default without having to “practice” or “think” about it.
So many professionals jump right to the surface issue (which is the breathing) and under address potentially the ROOT cause underneath the distorted breathing.
There are many possible root causes, but the biggest one is chronic stress and fight or flight mode activation.
When the body is in a state of distress it takes up secondary breathing patterns (too much chest, shoulder, and neck breathing).
Is practicing correct breathing helpful? Absolutely!
Will you have correct breathing long term if you don’t address the root cause? Not likely.
Have you had experience with any of the above 👆 stuff in today’s post? 

9 months ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

Are you sitting correctly?
Ideally your sitting should be like on the far right. Neutral spine and a nice stacked rib cage and pelvis.
The far left is how people with anterior pelvic tilt typically sit. In this example the lower back is extended (arched) too much.
The middle photo is how people with swayback typically sit. In this example the lower back is actually rounded and has lost its curve. Additionally, the pelvis is tilted backwards (belt buckle angled up).
I know you are adjusting your own posture now reading this :)
How do you sit? 

11 months ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

I thought I'd share my journey over the last 15ish years with you.
When I was young and dumb (at 20) I trained with a TON of intensity, but had no knowledge of corrective exercise, bio mechanics, anatomy, or optimal recovery.
I was strong but also riddled with imbalances. This was 1 year before I tore my labrum, had surgery, which altered my life path significantly.
When I was 26 I was already teaching corrective exercise. My body no longer hurt everywhere, but I was very deconditioned (sorta fat/soft) and had a whack haircut (not sure what was going on then haha).
I was stuck in the corrective exercise "hole" pursuing "perfect" mechanics and sorta afraid to lift heavy and train intensely.
Now at 34 I have the best of both worlds. I'm able to train with a ton of intensity without injuring myself.
I talk about this a lot, but the key is integrating corrective movements, mobility work, and optimizing recovery. 

11 months ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

Your body is certainly one of your greatest assets…
However, like your vehicle it depreciates in value over time naturally.
That DOESN’T mean you shouldn’t do everything in your power to maintain & improve it!
I believe you should do that…it’s about all I talk about on my account.
I mean if your identity is too wrapped up in your physical prowess, aesthetics, etc…then you will suffer more as you age.
Understanding you are a spirit being with a body is a liberating view point.
At the end of the day your body will return to dust…but the REAL you, the eternal you will remain.
Follow GOD. 

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

One thing you hear older people say a lot is that they wish they could do things over again.
They wish for the fire of their youth to return to them so that they could do the important things that they skipped.
Don’t let that be you.
Use that fire while you still have it.
Get to work. 

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

It's possible to train like a bodybuilder and still have optimal biomechanics and be injury free fam... 

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

The way home is forward.
I know you’re hurting.
I know you’re tired.
I know you’ve come a long way to get here.
I know you’ve faced struggles and challenges that no one knows the full depth of except for you.
I know life can silently suck sometimes…
I’m here today to remind you to keep going.
Stay on your path by staying true to yourself and follow God.
Push, pull, grind, and do whatever you have to do to make the best life for yourself, your family, and your loved ones.
Seize the moment and do something that is important and meaningful.
Decide to do this today. Right now in fact.
You always have a choice 🗡 

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

Nose Breathing vs Mouth Breathing
You may have heard this before, but we are supposed to breath through our noses.
People ask me all the time why I wear nose strips during the day.
I do anything and everything I can to make nasal breathing easier to do. This helps me use my diaphragm, keeps me calm, and increases circulation.
When I sleep at night I use the nose strips in tandem with Somnifix (mouth tape).
"Calmness is the cradle of power" so breathe through your nose today! 

1 year ago • GuerrillaZen Fitness

As the days get colder, shorter, and filled with less sun…
It’s important to take care of and be mindful of circadian rhythm (the internal clock of the body).
It regulates almost every physiologic function in some way…
Some things I do to keep it optimized are:
1) morning sunlight or blue light device
2) going to bed at same time everyday
3) blue light blocking glasses and red light at night