My name is Macey and welcome to the channel. Here at A Wild Approach, we are working to create habitat for all wildlife that wants to come to our .25 acre city property. Our main focus is providing food and shelter for the local wildlife, and that means planting native plants. I still have many non-native plants, and I'm not a purist. I'm not here to judge you or anything of the sort, if you have non-native plants. This is about sharing information. When I moved into this house in 2013, I was not a gardener. I barely got out to be honest. I was more into crafting indoors and doing my art. Well, since then, it's all changed. My mom gave me some seeds years ago, and ever since, I've wanted to learn how to create a butterfly garden. I looked out at my empty boring lawn, wondering "where are all the butterflies?" Research after research later, and here I am, learning and sharing about native plants. :) I'm in Knoxville, TN • Ridge and Valley