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We make videos on Nepali Share market and Keep you updated with Nepali ShareBazar news, announcements and also provide share knowledge in our native nepali language to all our new as well as old investors. We also give you tips and tricks for your share market journey. If you are beginners in Stock market then you are most welcome in our channel because we provide you with all the basics of Nepali Share Market or capital market.
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You can choose us due to numerous of reasons and some of them are listed below:
1) We only provide Nepali Sharemarket related contents.
2) We teach you to start your career in Nepali stock market.
3) Always updated with latest contents of Nepali Share Bazar.
4) We Provide you Helpful Tips and Suggestions for your Share market Journey.
5) Also we keeps you updated with Sharemarket Benefits.
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Sharemarket Basics for Beginners