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【 tools and materials part13 】ドロッパーボトル。Dropper Bottle.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。MP46 Membership-only video.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part11【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Process the upper part of the plug.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。MP46 Membership-only video.
【 tools and materials part12 】GAAHLERI Metallic Marker
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part10【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Machining the exhaust manifold.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。エキマニの表面仕上げ。MP46 Membership-only video. Surface finishing of exhaust manifold.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。エキマニの加工と塗料のメンテナンス。MP46 Membership-only video. Exhaust manifold processing.
GAAHLERIのエアブラシを試してみました。使用感、精度、結果は...? I tried out the GAAHLERI airbrush.
【 tools and materials part11 】エアブラシ。ドリーレール。Airbrush. Dolly rail.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part9【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Make a clutch from scratch. It's detailed work.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。クラッチプレート製作中。  MP46 Membership exclusive video.Clutch plate in progress.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。クラッチプレートの図面。  MP46 Membership exclusive video. Drawing of clutch plate.
【 tools and materials part10 】ルーターのメンテナンス。Router maintenance.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part8【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Make an air funnel with aluminum rods.【lathe】
【 tools and materials part9 】卓上ミニ旋盤 tabletop mini lathe.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part7 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】 RA121E engine, white metal cast.
MP46 メンバーシップ専用動画。ホワイトメタルを流してみます。Pour the white metal into the silicone mold you made last time.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part6 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Copy the engine with resin! RA121E
【 tools and materials part8 】Make a plate for epoxy putty and a plate for epoxy adhesive.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part5 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Engine duplication. Make a silicone mold.
MP46 Membership exclusive video. Cut out the engine mold using silicone.
MP4/6  Preparing to duplicate engine parts
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part4 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Cowl repair and attachment part processing.
【 tools and materials part7 】Make a case specifically for line chisel.
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part3 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】We will process the bulkhead part.
MP4/6 Processing the nose cone attachment part
McLaren Honda MP4/6  Part2 【 TAMIYA 1/12 scale 】Peeling off the cowl paint. Underfloor processing.
MP4/6 Peeling paint and cutting nose cone.
McLaren MP4/6 PART1 prologue [ 1/12 scale TAMIYA ] I'll take it step by step.