Institute of Ultrasound training was founded by Dr.J.S.Randhawa & Dr. Sonal Randhawa in the year 2000.It is a center solely dedicated to education, training and research in diagnostic ultrasound and color Doppler since 2000. Institute is an affiliate education center of Jefferson Ultrasound Research & Education Institute, Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, Philadelphia, USA- the only collaborating center in the world recognized by World Health Organization (WHO) for imparting training &education in ultrasound. It also has the distinction of being among the very few POCUS approved education providers in the world and the first and only one in South East Asia More than 18,000 alumni and growing by the day,from different parts of the globe(more than 50 countries) within a time of 23 yrs, ranging from fresh graduates to professors of medical colleges. It is not only the best institution for sonography teaching in India but is among the most renowned internationally.