In Sha Allah Coming Soon
3 years ago (edited) • Quran Translation Urdu
In Sha Allah Coming Soon
3 years ago • Quran Translation Urdu
Assalam o Alikum. We gonna start a video series related to numerous daily life matters: fundamental Islamic beliefs, Islamic worships, Human rights & status of women in Islam, inheritance, divorce, Public administration in Islam, Governance in the light of the Quran, System of accountability, the social system of Islam, the economic system of Islam, and political system of Islam, etc. These all topics will be covered according to the true teachings of the Holy Quran. Stay Tuned.
3 years ago • Quran Translation Urdu
Asalam o Alikum. Today, we have uploaded our first video using the new feature of YouTube: YouTube Shorts. Please do watch, and share with your friends. Here is the link.