#LifeChanging #ChattinwithStaxxShow My name is Bill $taxx and on my show Chattin with Staxx, I tell true stories about my life, from my time in a street gang to prison, to where I am today. I explain what brought me to Recovery and the positive life I live one day at a time. I hope to be an inspiration to others wanting to change their life. I interview on a wide range of people, with interesting stories. Stay tuned for a very entertaining show. If you would like to donate to the show : https://cash.app/$chattinwithstaxx https://paypal.me/billstaxx?locale.x=en_US www.venmo.com/Bill-Staxx Email: staxxbill1979@gmail.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/billstaxx2021 FB: https://www.facebook.com/billstaxx