One year ago today, I was at a crossroads... I wasn't enjoying what I was doing in Minecraft Content creation, and felt like I had tried everything. I told myself "I will do one LAST project, in a different game (WoW)... and if that doesn't work then I will completely give up content creation." WoW was the game I left for MC content creation in lockdown. Something I fell into accidentally (I didn't even know what twitch was!) So it made sense that was the last thing I try. Today marks the 1 year anniversary of posting my first ever wow class guide onto youtube, which was a big risk as id never done anything like that before. Almost instantly (literally within 48hrs of posting it) things began to take off and I can say it has been the most incredible, and passion filled journey of my life. In 1 year, or 365 days we have gained the below, and I couldn't be more grateful to each and every one of you. 🔴 7,100,000 views (Yes, that's 7.1 Million longform views) 🔴 412,400 Watched Hours 🔴 21,300 Subscribers For the next 265 days - I plan to continue supporting everyone in Retail WoW, as well as MoP Classic, and potentially classic era too. I also will be consistently giving you all the guides you need on all new releasing games on the second channel (JaviHerobrine). As well as Minecraft patch update guides and some other small games. I'll also be shortly launching my third channel. With more on that to come soon! 😄 So once more thankyou for reading this, coming on this journey with me, and continuing to for what I hope is a long time to come. This last year has literally changed my life, and it's all down to my viewers ❤️