1 year ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

how are you? I know it‘s been a while, but I have a new video for you tomorrow! I will try my best to come back to youtube 🤍 i filmed my entire month in Sri lanka and am excited to share my travels and hospital internship I did ☺️ i know that it‘s annoying that I have been gone for a long time and only come back every few months, but it took me a long time to settle and figure out how I want to spend my days. I sincerely apologise. Thank you for being patient and for staying with me 🤍 

See you tomorrow in my new vlog 🤍 

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

1 year ago • Wallflower study

Hey guys 🤍

How have you been? I know it’s been quite awhile since I last posted and I know that many of you are upset because I left for a hiatus without any notice, which is why I am sincerely apologizing for it. There are multiple reasons why I didnt´post, but one of the main reasons was, that I was really close to having a burn out and that I had way too many things on my to do list which I wasn’t able to handle. Therefore I had to drop the thing with the least priority - which was YouTube at that time. I struggled really hard with finding a balance and getting use to my clinical years, normal day to day things, like cooking or cleaning, was really hard for me to do. I knew I had to take a step back and prioritize my mental well being. I was lost and lost myself for awhile , not knowing where I was going with my content and myself. But now I feel ready to come back and am really motivated to do so. For the next few weeks I have a 2 videos planned to sum up what happened during the past few months. The first one is going to be a study vlog and the one after it is going to be a „what I have done“ video, where I am basically talking about everything and show you some clips of it (I filmed a lot but never edited it). I hope you are excited and still want to watch my videos (if not that’s okay as well!). 

Thank you for your patience and I am excited to take you along, because this year is going to be extremely cool 💗

xx wallflowerstudy 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

how are you? I am back with another vlog! It‘s actually more of a vacation vlog because after I passed my first stateexam, I flew to spain with my friends! It‘s a bit chaotic but I hope that you will like it! 

My 5th Semester is starting soon, so my usual study vlogs will be back! 

See you tomorrow at 10AM

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

I‘m finally back with another Vlog at 10 AM german time on Monday, september 19th 🤍

I missed you sooo much 🫶🏼 

see you tomorrow 🥰

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

my state exam is on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I procrastinated by editing this vlog from may/June! I hope you like it!

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

hello guys 🥰

how have you been? it's been a while since I last posted and I thought I would quickly check in! I am currently studying a lot every single day for my first medical state exam in August (it's one of two during medschool!). I have been super busy and stressed out which is why I haven't been sleeping a lot nor well. I don't really have a lot of time to do anything else besides studying and going to the gym, which is why I only upload short reels as they are easier and quicker to edit :( I know many of you have been patiently waiting for a new vlog in English and I am beyond sorry that I won't be able to upload any videos any time soon. I will come back with a vlog in September though!! 

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer more than I do! I spend my days on my desk or at the gym studying all day long. I feel anxious and am scared of this big exam, that takes over 2 days. After the written part of the state exam, an oral exam follows in September ahhh I also am trying to find a part-time job, at the moment and hope that I can work at a doctors place to earn some money to travel in my semester break (and to study abroad hehe).

But I will try my best to upload a vlog soon! I can't wait to be back and talk to you again ! Until then, you can follow me on Instagram if you like (my username is wallflowerstudy there as well!). 

Have a great summer and see you soon ❤️

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

as you probably noticed, I have been inactive for the past few weeks. There was actually a vlog, that I wanted to upload, but I didn't finish editing it, because I got bitten by a mosquito and had a severe allergic reaction to it. That's the reason why I was sick for 5 days and couldn't study properly which made me fall behind my study plan and therefore I am super stressed out and anxious about my exams. 

In addition to that, I am having my first medical state exam in August, which is why my main priority is studying :D So I am going on a hiatus until then (however, I might upload the vlog I wanted to post + a German vlog ). 

Until then, I hope you are going to stay healthy and happy. I wish everyone good luck on their upcoming exams and thank you for sticking around, even though I am super inactive lately! 

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷

PS: I still post stories on IG : wallflowerstudy, so we can stay in contact there until my next vlog comes out! 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

i am finally back with a new Vlog tomorrow at 10 AM Berlin time! ❤️‍🔥 

I am excited to see you tomorrow!! 

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰 

i wanted to update you about my life a little 🥹 i spent the weekend in cologne with some friends and didn‘t have time to edit 🫠 i know it must be annoying, but I am living my life before I will study for 60 days straight for my first medical stateexam aka  #physikum  . So I try to enjoy all my freetime as much as possible 🥹 but the vlog next week will be SO SO cool!!! A mix of studying and my  #girlstrip  !! We will have soo much funny content because my friends are instagrammers too, so they filmed a lot of me 😂😂 so might see my pancake face in the next vlog 😶 

i hope you are all doing well! 

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷 

2 years ago • Wallflower study

Hello guys 🥰

I am so sorry for not uploading last week 🫠 but I was enjoying my life offline a little too much 😅

BUT today 10 AM Berlin Time a new video is going to be live! 

See you there 🥰 

xx wallflowerstudy 🌷