2 years ago • Gaia OriCards

I didnt have time to put new videos this month... sadly i have some stuff in my life (nothing bad) going on, and i prefer put effort (and free time) on it instead my YT hobby. Hope you understand. Ill put new videos once i have more free time than usual, since im working on some good stuff for proxy decks :P Hope i can return soon to anime decks as well. Thanks a lot! 

2 years ago • Gaia OriCards

Ok folks, just for the ones wondering about new videos. I have lot of things to do on the last weeks. Working on some other proyects (different from YGO suff) and working on new orders for customers and more... + Playing like crazy Elden Ring on my free time. So i decided to take some free time from YT, but dont worry, the videos will be back soon. Also some new premium decks are in the works. Thanks a lot to all followers and people that enjoy my work! Best wishes! 

3 years ago • Gaia OriCards

Hello friends. I was bussy as hell last weeks (thats why i didnt upload a video until today). Hope i could keep at least 1 video for week as always. Ill work on the next anime decks soon and working slowly in more Premium Decks (because no free time due work and take care of my new puppy!) Thanks. 

3 years ago • Gaia OriCards

Hola a todos. Les comento que he activado la monetización del canal. Quien disfrute del contenido y quiera ayudarme para seguir haciendo mas decks con artes custom y demás, es libre de hacerlo, los precios son muy bajitos para que no afecte su economía. Gracias a todos y que tengan excelentes duelos! 

4 years ago • Gaia OriCards

Amigos, les deseo Feliz Año Nuevo y que tengan un excelente inicio del año 2021.

De mi parte, les quiero invitar a un pequeño Live Stream el dia de mañana 1ero de Enero a las 7 PM (Hora CDMX) para los que gusten echar risas, platicar de YGO, de los proyectos futuros o si gustan responda sus dudas. De Igual manera haré la dinámica de Rifa de Fin de Año para clientes y Viewers del Stream.

¡Excelentes Duelos! 

4 years ago (edited) • Gaia OriCards

Uff amiguitos, ya voy para el mes que no ha habido nuevo video en Youtube, he estado algo ocupado y sin tiempo de grabar, generalmente lo hacia los fines de semana pero he estado ocupado en asuntos de mi vida personal xD

Espero ya retomar los videos esta semana, pues ya tengo varios decks estilo Anime de personajes restantes de GX listos para su review :P

De igual manera, espero traerles aunque sea un ultimo Deck Premium antes de que termine el año, que ha habido complicaciones y retrasos para los mismos en produccion (Alchemy Beast y Stormrider), espero al menos terminar uno de estos como les comento, y en el mejor de los casos, ambos antes de que termine el Año. Ya veremos.


5 years ago (edited) • Gaia OriCards

To all my customers, followers and YGO fans, i just opened a Patreon page last week. Here you have all the info and the main point of it. Is not neccesary to help me there to keep me doing custom and orica decks, BUT with more help and patrons, you can give us a hand to make the future projects a better thing. ;) Also you will have access to early updates for future projects.


5 years ago • Gaia OriCards

It was 2 years ago that i made this deck... but im remaking it to have an improved and new deck, since i know it is very slow and needs support and more to make it more competitive against current decks and stuff like that x_x 

SoA | Structure Deck: Dartz (Premium Quality) | Orichalcos Proxy / Orica TCG Deck

Gaia OriCards

7 years ago • 29,723 views

5 years ago • Gaia OriCards

This was made 5 years ago exactly. 

Yu-Gi-Oh! | Joey Wheeler Deck | Gaia OriCards

Gaia OriCards

10 years ago • 27,995 views