Welcome to my YouTube channel "Trending Bangla" all about photo editing videos! My YouTube channel name is #Trending Bangla" /ট্রেন্ডিংবাংলা My name is "Shimul Monda" but you may know me as MRX, and I'm passionate about creating stunning visuals that bring photos to life. Also "Trending Bangla"/"ট্রেন্ডিং বাংলা" YouTube channel "Trending Bangla" and the type of content you create: Trending Bangla, trending bangla, trending, Bangla trending, Welcome to Trending Bangla, your ultimate destination for fascinating facts and historical insights, as well as entertaining content like funny videos and photo editing tips and tricks. My name is Shimul Mondal and I'm your host and guide on this journey through the world of knowledge, humor, and creativity. BanglaCivilization #TrendingBanglaYT #FactsAndFun #FunLearning #Bangladesh #ট্রেন্ডিংবাংলা #শিমুলমন্ডল #ট্রেন্ডিংবাংলাইউটিউব #শিমুলমন্ডলেরচ্যানেল
2 years ago