3 years ago • Stephen Clark

Hey Everyone, hope you’re all having a great week! I’d love your feedback on something…

As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been gravitating toward longer, more in-depth videos over the last couple of months. I can thoroughly cover a topic in depth in a 15-30 minute video, which a lot of folks have found really helpful. However, I also hear from some of you in the comments that you prefer shorter lessons. Obviously, your time is valuable and short videos are great. But finding the balance between in-depth instruction and concise length is tough. Keeping all that in mind, you'd help me a ton by voting on your preferred video length here on this channel. Thanks for your input!

How long should my YouTube lessons be? 

5-10 mins

10-15 mins

15-20 mins

20-30 mins

1.5K votes

5 years ago • Stephen Clark

Many of you have told me that the HIHAT is one of the biggest challenges you face on the drumset. 

Check out this FREE pdf with 10 helpful Hihat setup/playing tips:

The 2-page PDF covers topics like...
- Stand adjustment / placement
- Left foot coordination
- One-handed 16th patterns
- Practicing tips

Also check out the new "HIHAT" playlist on the channel homepage. 
You'll find links to the "hihat tips" PDF in all of those video descriptions as well. 

5 Ways to INSTANTLY Make Your HiHats Sound Better

Stephen Clark

6 years ago • 156,419 views

5 years ago • Stephen Clark

Hey everyone, unfortunately there is no video going up on the channel today because the basement studio is still a construction zone. So check out the video on INSTAGRAM showing the latest progress! We’re just about ready for drywall, then it’s the finishing touches. Thanks for hanging in there during the Non Glamorous “hiatus.” :)

5 years ago • Stephen Clark

Hey Everyone! I hope you’ve enjoyed the two-videos-a-week for the last couple of months. I’ve really liked being able to post twice a week, and I hope you’ve found the extra content helpful. For the next few months, however, I’m going back to just a Friday video. That’s not to say twice a week won’t happen again. However, I want to do my best to maintain a high level of quality on the channel, and I don’t ever want to put less work into a particular video because I’m short on time. I’ll throw in a Tuesday video every so often whenever I have the chance. Otherwise, I’ll see you Friday. 
Thanks, and take care! 

5 years ago • Stephen Clark

Hope you’re having a great Monday!
In regards to last Friday’s video… Many of you voiced in the comments that you felt the comparison between sticks and “taped” rods wasn’t a fair comparison. You’re right. Really, that video was more of a “let’s see if we can make rods as loud as sticks” discussion, though I didn’t title it or introduce it accurately to portray that angle of comparison. I tape most of my rods by default since that sound works better for a lot of what I play (quiet on cymbals - still loud on drums!). But because many of you have spoken, I think a follow up video should happen. So stay tuned for a more thorough “hotrod volume / versatility comparison” sometime in the next few months. :) Thanks, Everyone! Have a great week.
[SPOILER ALERT] Tomorrow's vid is gonna have something to do with playing the hats much more easily...I hope you find it interesting and helpful! 👍 

6 years ago • Stephen Clark

I hope you're all having a great start to your week! Just wanted to issue a "formal apology" for some irritations in the last few videos... I realized many of you found the lack-of-focus from the camera very annoying and distracting, and I did too. I didn't realize it was an issue in every one of those videos, though, until I had worked on editing all of them. All that to say, last week's video was the last of that string of videos that I filmed in my sunroom. The rest of the December videos (coming up) were all shot in the basement, so no shaking leaves in the background to distract the camera. :) Many of you mentioned this in the comments, and since I often am not able to reply to all the comments I felt I needed to address this and reassure you that I'll be doing my best to avoid this in the future. 
The Non Glamorous drummer stands for supreme audio quality (well...as far as a kit miked with 57s for overheads will go) and supreme video quality (well... as far as my real camera + iphone + ipad filming configuration will go). I say that in jest, but I do try to keep things from being annoyingly low quality at least. 😜Hey can't get too glamorous!

Alright, you guys take care, and I'll see you on this Friday's video! 

6 years ago • Stephen Clark

Today's video is going up early! It will be LIVE at 12pm EST, and we'll be doing a fun gear comparison. :) 
This leads to the question, though, of what time of day would you guys prefer I post my videos? Keep in mind these times are EST (Eastern US)... 

9am EST

12pm EST

3pm EST

188 votes

6 years ago • Stephen Clark

The 3rd video with the other Stephen is LIVE! Check it out. 
Today we're seeing what happens when we load up a cymbal with gaff tape. Can there be TOO MUCH tape? Let's find out...

Can You Put TOO Much Tape on a Cymbal?

Stephen Taylor

6 years ago • 64,819 views

6 years ago • Stephen Clark

I've been notoriously bad at keeping up with social media lately. However, I'm trying to change that by revamping the Instagram! Go check it out...
I'll do my best to actually post stuff, so follow me for all the going-ons of the Non Glamorous Drummer :) 

Hope you have a great Thursday, and I'll see you on the video tomorrow with Stephen Taylor!! 

6 years ago • Stephen Clark

The first of the FOUR videos with the other Stephen is LIVE!!

Check it out on Stephen Taylor's channel right now, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE! If you like my channel, you're definitely gonna love his. Can't wait to share more of these videos with you guys in the coming days!

Which Zildjian Ride Cymbal is the BEST?? | Cymbals Demo

Stephen Taylor

6 years ago • 84,521 views