1 day ago • SHAPEFIXER

Today we are getting our exercise doing something a little more useful that running on a treadmill in the gym! 

3 days ago (edited) • SHAPEFIXER

Abi here! (Mrs Shapefixer). We eat a lot of eggs - fried, boiled, as a quiche and most popular - as an omelette! Many filling variations to follow :) So quick and easy. Enjoy and get imaginative with your fillings. Let us know what you put in yours! 

Quick omelette, spice it up as u like! #mealideas #easymeals #shapefixer #mrsshapefixer


3 days ago • 689 views

6 days ago • SHAPEFIXER

Hey all you lovely Shapefixers! Abi here (Mrs Shapefixer lol). I am going to be sharing more of our meals to hopefully help and inspire us all :).  Here is one of my standard favourites - Greek yoghurt with blueberries, fresh chopped ginger, walnuts, almonds and some salty cashews. Of course there are lots of variations of this, but you get the idea and just use whatever are your favourites and what's available! 

11 days ago • SHAPEFIXER

When something in the way your lunch just looks at you makes you feel guilty... 

2 weeks ago • SHAPEFIXER

WEBSITE UPDATE! - Here is a pic to get a better idea! Checkout the start of our new Video Library, staring with the FUNDAMENTALS and MOTIVATION videos. We will be updating all the time, so please go through the list and rewatch or catchup with any videos you have missed! Link to the site in the comments! Any feedback very welcome! 

2 weeks ago (edited) • SHAPEFIXER

Use this link to open our new SHAPEFIXER website where you will see our playlists of YouTube videos, making it easier for you to find the information you need when addressing a particular issue around your nutrition and health. We are building themed playlists to add to this section, so check back regularly to monitor progress. Examples of upcoming categories are "Osteoarthritis", "Diabetes", "Weightloss", "Heart Disease" and "Mental Health" to name a few.
Please let us know in the comments below of any "category" you think should be included!

3 weeks ago • SHAPEFIXER

First meal of the day yesterday around 2pm (call it breaklfast or lunch - whatever) spicy chicken skewers, mushrooms, burata cheese and sliced olives. Dinner at 8:30pm was mushroom soup with some Spanish ham and boiled eggs on the side. Simple, healthy, and more than enough for a day! 

1 month ago • SHAPEFIXER

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you from both of us! Remember to share the love as much as you can, and that every smile you give a stranger makes someone's life a little better, even for a moment! - Andrew & Abi 

1 month ago • SHAPEFIXER

Have you sorted out your nutrition and lifestyle, fixed your health and lost weight? Are friends and colleagues noticing? Has anyone said you are now "too thin"? How do you reply? 

1 month ago • SHAPEFIXER

Is "Calories in, Calories out" really that meaningful for understanding and managing our weight? What does it mean, and what is a calorie actually? In this video I clarify what a "calorie" really is, and why the notion of monitoring "calories in vs calories out" is not only an impractical approach to weight management, but is simply misleading as a concept. There are far easier, more effective ways of controlling bodyweight, that do not rely on counting or weighing anything. The key to proper, healthy, long term weight control is not "how much" you eat; it's "what" you eat. 

THE CALORIE THEORY OF WEIGHT CONTROL - Does it Actually Work? #weightloss #nutrition #calories


1 month ago • 863 views