1 year ago • Conscious Breathing

When our body and mind are in synchronicity, connecting with the flow of life becomes easier, allowing us to be at peace with ourselves and others.

Follow us and visit consciousbreathing.com to learn how to use your breathing to get your well-being to the next level! 

2 years ago • Conscious Breathing

Many people in our society are controlled by fear, which is not a surprise as it has ensured our survival through evolution. Sympathetic activity (fight, flight or freeze) has been important for our survival throughout human evolution. If we look at life today, we find that we rarely end up in situations that require us to react with our innate fight or flight response.

When the adrenaline pumps around our body it alters our breathing pattern to prepare us to run away from danger or defend ourselves. This stone-age reaction doesn’t serve us well when we sit on an office chair, and the stress consists of dealing with demanding emails or customers barking at us over the phone. We will neither fight nor flee; instead, we just sit still in our office and sigh in resignation.

Mental or emotional stress that isn’t accompanied by physical activity or low, slow and rhythmic breathing accumulates in our body and will eventually cause a lot of damage.

Read the complete article by Anders Olsson and learn how to use your breathing to release mental or emotional stress on  https://www.consciousbreathing.com/articles/breathe-through-difficult-emotions/