3 years ago (edited) • Makeup Your Mind

This isn't an easy post to make... but unfortunately I've lost a lot of my desire to make videos. I find the task of filming and editing to be a hurdle that I'm not that interested in overcoming in my day. And when you don't look forward to filming or editing... it makes the whole process a chore.

I love the interactivity I have with you guys - that's what has kept me going the most in recent months. But in this covid haze we've been in for the last year and a half, I've had less and less things to talk about in my GRWMs and I'm a bit at a loss as to what other kind of content to even film. I don't bother with reviews anymore because I just don't need or want to amass anymore products than I already own. You hit a certain point where you just have enough STUFF and have no desire to add to your collection. Which, of course, is a bit difficult for a makeup channel that was built around reviewing products. I'd vlog if I was going anywhere remotely interesting, but I haven't travelled outside a 2 kilometer radius from my apartment in the last 1.5 years, so there's really nothing interesting to show there either.

I don't know what I'm going to do in the future, so this channel may resurrect itself later on, but for the moment I have no desire to film videos. Until I feel that urge again, this channel will likely remain silent.

Thank you for the time you've spent with me. Either by being an active participant by chatting with me, or by being a silent viewer who just enjoyed hearing what I had to say. I appreciate the time you've taken to watch my videos, and I'm really, really sad I don't have the drive to create more right now. It's a bit painful to realize you've lost interest in something that you wish you still had an interest in.

All the best,

4 years ago • Makeup Your Mind

Hey guys - I never know how much people notice brief absences on YouTube (I rarely do, even for my absolute favourites), but I wanted to let you know that I didn't have videos this past week nor will I for the next week because we ended up discovering that my cat Nemo has stage 4 kidney disease. We took him into the vet about a week and a half ago for his regular checkup, and discovered a whole swath of problems (which was honestly quite shocking because he's had the full gamut of tests done on him every year so I could ensure he was okay). He ended up staying overnight at the vet for four days on an IV while they gave him meds, re-hydrated his system and put him through xrays, ultrasounds, and a lot of blood tests to figure out what the next course of action would be. Needless to say, I've been an emotional wreck. We don't have children, so for us our cats are our babies. He's back home now and he's doing well. We have to give him subQ fluids every day, medication and make sure he's eating enough. The good news is he's acting normal, so we're hoping this treatment will keep him as healthy as long as possible. There's still more tests to be done, but for now he's doing okay. I won't go on any longer because it would just make me cry, but I wanted to give people an update in case they were curious. Thank you for listening. 

4 years ago • Makeup Your Mind

Hello! So about this time every year I film a Q&A video. Gives you guys a chance to ask questions about me I might not have answered over the years (or if you're new and curious about something about me!). I'm a fairly open book so feel free to ask whatever you like - it doesn't just have to be about makeup! So leave me some questions below and I'll be sure to add them to an upcoming video. Thanks! 

5 years ago • Makeup Your Mind

Hi everyone! I'm going to be filming a Q&A video soon, so if you have any questions for me, please leave them here! Can be about anything really - not just about makeup. Thanks! 

5 years ago • Makeup Your Mind

Hello! I'm planning to do an assumptions video and need your help! Tell me what you assume about me and I'll let you know if it's true or not in the video. 🤗