Welcome to our channel for birdsinthebackyardorlando AKA thebitboproject
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LIVE FEED and CHAT from Orlando Florida.
Watch PVC feeders live daily 6am to 9pm EST plus NEW VIDEOS DAILY of birds at the hummingbird bush feeders.
The 12 ft PVC bird feeder helps deter squirrel raids + destruction. Our feeding station project combines natural + supplemental food sources for birds + critters who lost wooded habitat due to new roads + construction.
BIRDS: cardinals, titmice, hawks, sparrows, blackbirds, wrens, cowbirds, chickadees hummingbirds, mockingbirds, woodpeckers, blue jays, doves, grackles
MIGRATORY: finches, painted bunting, waxwings, catbirds
CRITTERS: squirrels, raccoons, opossum, snakes, armadillos
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