shared 21 hours ago • The Cross Crusader

I’ve never done this before but…

Don’t ask why, but follow SIIIG.

But if you MUST know…

SIIIG is a theological GENIUS that far surmounts the normal content you’ll come across on YouTube.

He posts well explained videos from an unbiased point of view.

Who else do you suggest our brothers and sisters follow? Post below.

shared 21 hours ago • The Cross Crusader

I’ve never done this before but…

Don’t ask why, but follow SIIIG.

But if you MUST know…

SIIIG is a theological GENIUS that far surmounts the normal content you’ll come across on YouTube.

He posts well explained videos from an unbiased point of view.

Who else do you suggest our brothers and sisters follow? Post below.

22 hours ago • The Cross Crusader

Satan either wipes you out…

Or wakes you up. 

2 days ago • The Cross Crusader

He walked among the broken, healed the sick, and calmed the storms with a word.
and when the time came, He chose the cross, for YOU.

Not because He had to, but because He saw you.
Every burden you carry, every failure, every moment of doubt, He took it all upon Himself.

Gethsemane wasn’t just a place of prayer. 
It was where He thought of you and accepted the suffering that should have been OURS.

When He stretched out His hands on the cross, it wasn’t just nails that held Him there, it was LOVE.
Your name was on His heart.
Your future was in His hands.

The same Jesus who walked on water, who fed thousands, who conquered death, He is ALIVE.

And He is calling YOU.

What will you do with that invitation? 

3 days ago • The Cross Crusader

TRUE love isn’t just about emotion, it’s about SACRIFICE. 

Saint Valentine understood this when he risked his life to uphold the sanctity of marriage and the Gospel.

He defied an empire because he knew that love, God-honoring love is worth EVERYTHING.

But Saint Valentine was only a reflection of a GREATER love. 
Christ’s love, The love that saw your sin and chose the Cross. 

The love that was beaten, broken, and bled so you could be made WHOLE.

The world defines love by what it can gain. 
But Jesus defines love by what HE gave.

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." — John  15:13  His love was not easy.
It was not convenient. But it was perfect. 

And today, it still reaches for YOU. 

5 days ago • The Cross Crusader

Judas didn’t sell Christ for 30 pieces of silver.

He sold his salvation for 30 pieces of silver. 

6 days ago • The Cross Crusader

You may feel like you’re sinking, like the weight of everything is TOO much. 

The storm is loud, the doubts are creeping in, and you’re wondering if God is REALLY there.

But listen, He hasn’t let go of you.

When Peter lost faith and started sinking, Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. 
That same Jesus is reaching for you now.

You don’t have to be strong enough. 
You don’t have to have it all figured out. 

Just call His name, and you’ll find His grip has never loosened.

Even when you’re weak, even when you struggle, He’s still holding on to YOU. 

8 days ago • The Cross Crusader

You weren’t redeemed by gold or silver. 
You were bought with blood.

The King of Kings didn’t come to conquer with force, He came to suffer for you.
He rode in on a donkey, knowing the cross was waiting. 

He chose you over comfort. 
He chose sacrifice over a throne.

When life gets heavy, remember who walks ahead of you. 
The One who wore a crown of thorns now wears a crown of glory. 

And He calls you to follow, not in fear, but in faith.

Will you carry your cross, knowing He already carried His for you? 

9 days ago • The Cross Crusader

He Did It for You

Jesus didn’t endure the cross for the perfect, He did it for YOU. 

For every moment you’ve felt unworthy, every sin you thought was too great to forgive, every battle you thought you had to fight alone.

He saw your pain. He felt your burdens. And still, He chose the nails. 

He chose the suffering. 
He chose YOU.

This was never just a story. 
It was a rescue mission. 

A love so deep, so relentless, that He gave everything to bring you home.

Your debt is paid. 
Your chains are broken. 

The cross was not the end, it was your new beginning. 

10 days ago • The Cross Crusader

You are NOT defeated. 
You are a warrior in the army of the King.

The battle you’re facing, the struggles, the doubts, the attacks.
None of it is stronger than the Lord who fights FOR you. 

The enemy wants you to believe you’re alone, that you’re too weak, too broken. 
But look at the cross BEHIND you. 

Look at the blood that was shed for you.

You don’t fight for victory, you fight FROM victory. 
Christ ALREADY won. 

Your strength isn’t in your own hands; it’s in the Lord who conquered death itself.

So stand up. Hold your sword. Pray like a WARRIOR. 

The King has already gone before you, and He never loses.