My channel will post about Kun Khmer martial arts such as Kun Khmer news, Kun Khmer videos and Kun Khmer training. My favorites sport is Kun Khmer since I am a child, Eh Phuthong, Lek Vibol is my idle. I love how he kick. Eh Phuthong is the hardest kick and Lek Vibol is fastest kick and elbows, He also got gold shirt champ from TV5. How about you, Who is your idol? Thanks for watching, wish you good luck ,good health. Nara Kun Khmer ជាឆាណេលយូធូបដែលនឹងផុសពីព៍ត័មានគុនខ្មែរ ពីវីដេអូប្រដាល់គុនខ្មែរថ្មីៗ សង្ឃឹមថាបងប្អូនខ្មែរនឹងជួបគ្នាលើកដំកើងទាំងអស់គ្នា ព្រោះមានតែយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាទេ ដែលអាចធ្វើអោយគុនខ្មែរល្បីដល់អន្តរជាតិបាន។
1 year ago