What does Minecraft, The Sims 4, Stardew Valley, Medieval Dynasty, and Dwarf Fortress have in common? In all these games you gather raw resources to craft/build things by your own hand (or that of avatars and dwarves). These are the types of games I, DragonflySara, like to play. And I like to play with others so I record and publish for the sense of community that it brings. Welcome to my channel and SUBSCRIBE for all the latest content! This season we are starting off with a Medieval Dynasty Let's Play with the Paint Your Town update. It will be live on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/dragonflysara) Fridays at 04:00 MST and then polished up and brushed out on DragonflySara Plays the following Monday. The Sims 4 Packs will reboot and Building JKR's Wizarding World in Minecraft will resume in the near future.