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5 months ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
5 months ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Testimonal: “I have manifested over $200,000 and over $50,000 dollars of debt gone, a student loan and credit card bill of $32,000 and a complete new mindset. I want to Thank Shannon because she is doing Gods work and deserves all the success. Good luck to everyone and please trust me this works. The law of assumption has changed my life for the better and it can change yours.” V. Are you the next success story! Join the VIP Mastermind Group and manifest your success:
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Learn how to manifest what you want in Shannon's VIP Tribe. Being part of the Lifestyle Manifesting Mastermind has proven you will manifest your desire. When you're part of Shannon's Tribe you manifest powerfully. Join NOW:
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Manifest the one you love to be completely in love with you! You are meant to hear this success story because YOU ARE NEXT!
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Manifest a life where you and the one you love just woke up in a beautiful cozy bed with an incredible view. Fumbling around lauging in the bathroom while getting ready, you are both feeling deeply connected. You are heading out to discover the charming breakfast haven around the corner. You CAN create this life by transforming yourself! When you transform yourself, as a result you manifest your specific person. Start living that life now by already being who you want to be. Transform now by downloading the most successful self concept course:
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Your bank account has $10,000,000 right now. You experience what you want as if you have it. You have a continuous stream of money and wealth. You've made investments that are profitable. You always have more than enough money. Your home is filled with beautiful new furnishings. You have multiple homes and investments worth millions of dollars. You feel free to do anything you want. You travel to the most beautiful places in the world. You are dressed in the best quality clothes, you feel comfortable and expensive. You share and you are giving because you have so much to give. Your subconscious is now compelled for you lead the abundant life now. Nothing can stop this from you, it's yours.
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
My client manifested hearing “I love you” in under a week! Are you ready to manifest the love and relationship of your dreams? Do you want to manifest your specific person and experience the passionate romance that you have always desired? If you answered yes, then it is time for you to take the necessary steps to manifest the love that you deserve. If she can do it, you can do it by taking action with my self concept course. Download it now and achieve results systematically
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
If you are in NO CONTACT -this is exactly how you will get that person to fall head over heels in love with you! Shift your self concept now and become the version of you who is the complete and total package. Everyone in your life sees you how you see yourself - use the Number One Self Concept Course to Manifest Your Person into your Life by seeing yourself as the Prize. Transform how you see yourself in a systematic way and Manifest Your Specific Person and be the next success story! Download the course here:
1 year ago (edited) • Lifestyle Manifesting
I'm going to get you into the wish fulfilled right now: Imagine receiving this deposit today. Close your eyes and see this notification on your phone:) It's yours because you imagined it and imagination is first cause. Now spend a few minutes thinking about where this money is going. You puchase an investment that earns you passive income. You treat yourself to a designer outfit and feeling expensive. You tipped the waiter 100% because you can! and you know the money comes back to you 1000 times. **To give is to receive. You cannot give what you do not have and you only have what you believe** xoxo Shannon You want to manifest money consistently? Subscribe and manifest having more than enough. #lifestylemanifesting #lawofassumption #manifestmoney #moneymagnet #abundancemindset #wealthconsciousness
1 year ago • Lifestyle Manifesting
Manifest a life where you wake up in a cozy cabin by the water feeling complete love and acceptance. Strolling hand in hand along the waterfront knowing that every moment together is cherished and filled with unforgettable moments. Feeling safe and loved with the one you love! Imagine rewriting your love life and knowing that you're loved 100%. Inside Shannon's Self Concept Course you're going to rewrite YOUR story SO YOU CAN manifest a loving healthy relationship with your specific person. You're also going to stablized yourself to take back your power and security SO YOU CAN stop feeling lonely and rejected and love your life with your specific person next to you. Download the Course here: