In this channel, Rev. Yuki Sugahara, a Jodo Shinshu Priest, post morning services and occasionally post music videos and martial arts videos to show that Buddhist Priest is also a human too! (Just like Geddy Lee's show...!)
1996: Became a Jodo Shinshu Priest (Tokudo Ordination) at the age 16
1997-1998: Rotary Club's Youth Exchange Program Student to Rochester, NY
2001: Received certification "Kyoshi" (certification to become a head minister of a temple)
2011: Became a Buddhist Churches of America Minister served Buddhist Church of Florin in Scaramento, California
2017: Transferred to Oregon Buddhist Temple in Portland, Oregon
2019: Received a scholarly title of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha "Tokugo"
2023: Transferred to Sacramento Buddhist Church in Sacramento, California
I started practicing Ying Jow Pai (Grandmaster Leung Shum's lineage of Eagle Claw Kung Fu) in 2016.
I am also practicing Tai Chi (I learned 8 stlye and 24 style from Master Gao Jiamin in Portland, OR)
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