We hope you have found our selection of free hypnosis downloads useful during the time they've been available on our channel. π¨ We will be removing the free sessions from Youtube at the end of this week, so if there are any you would like to try you can listen to them here until Saturday 5th October: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... You can get permanent access to any of the sessions, plus over 1,300 more to choose from, at hypnosisdownloads.com. The sessions are: β΅ Fall Asleep Fast β΅ Anticipatory Anxiety β΅ Inner Peace Relaxation β΅ Trust Yourself β΅ Overcome Fear of Money β΅ Mindfulness Meditation Training β΅ How to Lucid Dream β΅ 10 Minute Power Nap β΅ Do It Now β΅ Stop Binge Eating β΅ Fear of Money β΅ Stick to Your Gluten Free Diet β΅ Fast Natural Healing