Welcome to On A Bucket Gambling Channel (OAB) where I'll be bringing you real live footage of my pub, arcade, bookmaker and bingo sessions. 100% real gameplay with real money at stake showing all of the big gambles and big wins across a multiple platform of machines. New and old games released will be recorded in Ladbrokes, Coral, William Hill and Betfred for your entertainment. Videos will be uploaded every day at 19:00 U.K. time. Other video content will include past fruit machine tricks through the world of computer emulation showing how machines have been beaten in the past by 'professional fruit machine' players. Bringing nostalgia back to those 'good ol' days' when machines were enjoyable. Does this content sound up your alley? Then please subscribe and I'll see you in the comments! These videos are for entertaining purposes only and suitable for 18+ years. "Knowledge is power and power is knowledge"