2 years ago • Flying Circus

It took a few months, but last week our current album "Seasons 25", the re-recording of our debut album "Seasons" for its 25th anniversary, actually entered the "official metal/rock" album charts here in our native Germany - and of course we are absolutely delighted because this makes it clear that the chart placement of our "best of" album in 2021 was not just a flash in the pan, but that there are apparently enough people out there who perceive us as a relevant band in the rock sector ; And of course we owe that to all of you who support us on the various social media platforms. So thank you very much! We never would have gotten this far without you!

Es hat zwar ein paar Monate gedauert, aber in der letzten Woche ist unser aktuelles Album "Seasons 25", die Neueinspielung unseres Debütalbums "Seasons" zu seinem 25-jährigen Jubiläum, tatsächlich in die "offiziellen Metal-/Rock"-Albumcharts eingestiegen - und natürlich freuen wir uns darüber riesig, denn damit ist klar, dass das die Chartplatzierung unseres "Best of"-Albums 2021 keine Eintagsfliege war, sondern es hierzulande mittlerweile offenbar echt genug Leute da draußen gibt, die uns als relevante Band im Bereich Rock wahrnehmen; und das verdanken wir natürlich auch Euch allen, die uns auf den verschiedenen Social Media Plattformen unterstützen. Also ganz lieben Dank! Ohne Euch wären wir so weit nicht gekommen! 

2 years ago • Flying Circus

As the bass part foundation of our song "Pride of Creation" is currently trending here on YouTube Shorts (just having passed the 100.000 views mark), we would like to thank everybody vor listening/watching  and also point you to the full version of the song which you can find here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC7n-... 

Flying Circus - Pride of Creation (live)

Flying Circus

2 years ago • 898 views