'God Still Loves' is Salesian Spirituality in song. It's a channel that takes its inspiration from a world-view and a way-of-life based on the teaching and example of saints John Bosco and Francis de Sales. Most of the songs are from the album 'The Peter Gonsalves Collection', which is produced and distributed by, Tej-prasarini, Don Bosco Communications, Matunga, Mumbai, 400 019. Email: tej_dbc@vsnl.com / tejprasarinidbc@gmail.com; Phone: 91-22-24 15 06 80 / 65 00 78 40; Website: www.tejonline.com. The cover photo of the channel is a small part of the breath-taking view as seen from the Castle of the De Sales family at Thorens, France, the birthplace of St. Francis de Sales.