First off, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the incredible support and kind comments. Your enthusiasm and encouragement mean the world to me. What started as a hobby has now gained massive attention within the World of Warcraft community, and I couldn't be more grateful. Many of you have expressed a desire to contribute and are eager to see even more content, which is truly inspiring! That said, I want to emphasize that these projects take a significant amount of time and effort. While AI plays a big role, there's a common misconception that this type of work can be done with just a single prompt. I assure you, every cinematic involves days of work—from creating and refining prompts to upscaling, image refining, animating, color grading and final video production. I’ll be releasing an Elwynn Forest Panavision-style cinematic later today on my other channel. Thank you so much for your ongoing support, and I can’t wait to bring you more exciting content soon!