Subscribe for Easy Tasty Recipes!
Welcome to The Collaborative Cookbook! I have collaborated with some of the best recipe creators out there! I cook the recipe we collab on and If it is easy to follow and I enjoy what I have made I share it with you. At the end of each video you can see how my food turned out. A lot of times it’s not as pretty as the recipe creators but it always has the flavor!
I am a stay at home mom and I try and cook most of our meals at home. That being said, I was going crazy trying to figure out what to cook for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner EVERY DAY. It was exhausting to say the least!
That's how I came up with the idea for this channel. I figured lots of people had the same difficulties of finding meals to cook every day. So here we are!
Every recipe that I share will have to original recipe creators instagram linked in the description box and/or the comment section so you can check out more of their recipes.
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