Hey Guys, Are you ready to be your own web host? and start offering hosting services like BlueHost? or Namecheap. Imagine running a web hosting business that generates monthly/ Yearly income from clients. -- Clients can buy domain names from you -- Cliets can buy ID protection and SSL from you -- Clients can buy hosting and get access to cPanel -- Clinnts can install php scripts and WordPress NOTE: We will setup everything using softwares that other web hosting providers use. -- I will create hosting plans like [basic, standard and Pro] -- I will setup your favorite payment system so clints can pay you -- i will provide you all the support you need. -- Your existing website will be safely migrated to your own host if only you have any. NOTE: This message does not apply to those of you already running a hosting business. >> Watch the video below for more information and contact me after watching that short presentation