Which Bible character would you want to be best friends with?
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3 days ago • Andrew Wommack
Which Bible character would you want to be best friends with?
Ruth – Loyal
Boaz – Kind
Esther – Courageous
Jeremiah – Tenderhearted
4.2K votes
3 days ago • Andrew Wommack
We cannot tell you strongly enough how important it is that you know God’s Word and that you plant the seed of His Word in your heart long before you need the fruit of the harvest. It could mean the difference between prosperity and poverty, or even life and death. Learn how to plant the seeds of prosperity in your heart when you read this article: https://l.awmi.net/SureFoundationArticle
5 days ago • Andrew Wommack
Ready for this week’s #FreeTeachingFriday ?! True believers don't plan to depart from the Lord - they just fail to prepare their hearts before temptation comes suddenly upon them. Be prepared for the storms of life by learning how David prepared his heart in advance for adversity. The Lord gives us a promise in Psalm 10:17 that He will prepare the hearts of the humble. Therefore, humility is a key principle in preparing our hearts, and this teaching presents it in a most unusual way. Other key principles include renewing our minds, choosing what to think about ourselves, and using our God-given memory system to think on the right things. Learn what the Bible says about setting our affections and how to do it. Check out this FREE teaching to learn more: https://l.awmi.net/PrepareYourHeart
7 days ago • Andrew Wommack
Most people have been led to believe that self-doubt, feelings of unworthiness, and conviction for individual sins are the work of the Holy Spirit. There’s a positive ministry of the Holy Spirit, and God wants you to know it. Check out this article to learn more: https://l.awmi.net/PositiveMinistryHS
10 days ago • Andrew Wommack
The Bible teaches us that our thoughts are the determining factor which controls our actions. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Romans 8:6 says, “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” No one can consistently perform differently than the way they think. Therefore, you cannot change your actions without changing your thinking. Our emotions are linked directly to how we think, and so if you want to harness your emotions you must change how you think! If you don’t want to fall apart like a $2 suitcase, read about how to harness your emotions! https://l.awmi.net/Harness-Your-Emotions
10 days ago • Andrew Wommack
What areas do you still need to completely surrender to God’s care today (1 Pet. 5:7)?
Receiving your healing
Restoration of relationships
Needing financial provision
Something else
3K votes
2 weeks ago • Andrew Wommack
Our focus needs to be on the goodness of God and not on the badness of the devil, plain and simple: https://l.awmi.net/MeditateTheWord
2 weeks ago • Andrew Wommack
What’s your favorite Scripture? Do you have a testimony that goes with it? Share your favorite verse in the comments below, or share your testimony in our digital Guest Book by visiting: https://l.awmi.net/AWM-Guest-Book
2 weeks ago • Andrew Wommack
Which of God’s names is your favorite, and why?
A. Jehovah-Tsidkenu (the Lord our righteousness)
B. Jehovah-Rapha (the God who heals)
C. Jehovah-Nissi (the Lord is my banner)
D. Jehovah-Shalom (the Lord is peace)
4.2K votes
3 weeks ago • Andrew Wommack
The counsel of the ungodly is any opinion or attitude that goes contrary to the revealed Word of God. Evolution, self-promotion, carnality, sensuality, and a multitude of commonly accepted practices in our society today would fit into this category. We are blessed by God when we don’t walk in this counsel, and conversely, we are not blessed when we do. This isn’t to say that the blessing of the Lord is proportional to our performance. We are blessed in Christ Jesus on the basis of His holiness and not ours. But God’s blessing will not flow through us when we are walking in the counsel of the ungodly in the same way that electricity doesn’t flow through rubber. It’s just the laws of nature that copper conducts electricity better than rubber. Likewise, godly wisdom allows the blessings of the Lord to flow better than the carnal unbelief of this world. If you want to learn more about what it means to walk in blessings, check out this article by Andrew: https://l.awmi.net/BlessingsandMiraclesArticle