8 days ago (edited) • Huggbees

Important info here folks. 

All of my social media accounts will always be linked in my video descriptions. I currently do NOT have Instagram, Tik Tok or any social media not advertised in my existing accounts and will announce in a video if I choose to make one. Other social media accounts you may find are either imposters, placeholders, or not affiliated with me.

I never mind people clipping and remixing my content, all I ask for is credit. Just double check that any communication you get from me is from the correct channels; been getting way too many dm's from people falling for spam bots and rogue impersonation accounts. I do sometimes play online games, but I won't ever solicit other players for anything.

Stop being dumb and thinking I'd ever spam comments with suspicious links. 

1 month ago • Huggbees

Being a YouTuber has many perks. My favorite is the fact that you can spend over 6 hours comparing and shopping for new microphones all while knowing 98% of your audience won't even notice a difference.

That is, unless you make a community post that stealthily announces this because you're nine steps ahead of everyone else and you know they'll never know about your scheme. That's an even better perk.

Wait scratch that, getting free food at participating 7-11's is my favorite perk. It's all terrible, but free is free. 

1 month ago • Huggbees

Here's a quiz that only 10% of viewers guess correctly! In what year was Coca-Cola invented? 

2 months ago • Huggbees

Go ahead and thank me for not using the community post feature to fill your recommendations with unfunny memes.

You're welcome. 

2 months ago • Huggbees

The fight has been lost. My video talking about banned Pokemon episodes has been ironically banned permanently due to a doubling down on copyright claims.

I'll try to edit a new version that can't be copyright claimed, in the meantime feel free to enjoy my other amazing videos and enjoy cursing Nintendo's name. Thanks for your support. 

3 months ago • Huggbees

My banned video analyzing banned Pokemon episodes is temporarily viewable until the copyright dispute is resolved. 

If I lose, the video will most likely be blocked worldwide again. Go watch it now before it's gone forever. 

Analyzing Banned Pokemon Episodes


3 months ago • 223,612 views

3 months ago • Huggbees

My newest video analyzing the banned Pokemon episodes has been blocked world wide due to some brand new copyright claims. This is in spite of my best efforts to manipulate the original source footage and present clips only deemed as needed.

I've filed disputes, we shall see what happens. Please hold hands and pray that this silly, HUGELY flawed system grants me mercy. 

3 months ago • Huggbees

This next video is going to be controversial, I'll be trying something absolutely radical and never seen before: Attempting to have an adult discussion with a Youtube audience. Wish me luck, should hopefully be up in the next week or two. 

3 months ago • Huggbees

My state is about to be blasted by a biblical level storm, and here I am stranded in my Colorado vacation since my return flight was cancelled due to there only being wimpy pilots not strong enough to fly in 100+ mph winds.

Needless to say, things may be a bit delayed upload wise. Enjoy these lovely photos of a very handsome man (and some slightly less handsome scenery) in the meantime. 

5 months ago • Huggbees

Which Quentin Tarantino film is your favorite? 

James and the Giant Peach

Rock 2: Rock Harder

Woodworking 101: Tips and Basics For Your First Build

Breaking Bad Tarantino Edition (1% new footage)

My parents won't stop fighting enough for me to watch one

49K votes