Upload Shorts and Videos on Weekdays. Stream on Weekends. If you would like to donate towards helping improve the channel here's my link: https://paypal.me/Kaylem197?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB If you want to follow me on Twitch here's the link: https://sjc.go.twitch.tv/mrallmight97 Join The Rock Family Discord: https://discord.gg/NaEDRAK Steam name: WayWardSon1997 Gamertag on Xbox: Supersageking97 PSN: Rock_Universe Rules for my YT Channel 1. No drama in the chat. 2. No bullying or insulting others. 3. Be respectful to my stream. 4. Don't talk about things or share links when I've said I don't wanna talk about it in my stream. 5. Don't spam numbers in my stream. And finally, always have good vibes.