2 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

My channel just passed 1 million lifetime views.  This took 11 years, as I never intended to run this channel like a “YouTuber,” but simply as a repository for Catholic resources I have put together (over 1600 videos).  I am pleased to see my most viewed videos are prayer and sacred music:  Rosary for the Holy Souls, Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Good Friday Passion Narrative of St. John, Catena Legionis (English), Magnificat (English and Latin).  Praise God that many are seeking out resources to assist them in prayer and their relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! 

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

Daily Masses will no longer be livestreamed starting this week since we have returned to Mass in person and online participation is now significantly reduced.  Sunday 8:00 Mass will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/cppnebraska/  and later posted here to YouTube.  Sunday homilies will be posted here as always. 

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

Daily 8:30 AM Mass for our parishes will be on Facebook only for today and tomorrow (Tue & Wed). Mass will be back here again on Thursday.  https://www.facebook.com/cppnebraska/ 

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

My 8:00 am Sunday Morning Livestream Mass is live on Facebook and will be posted here later today.   https://www.facebook.com/cppnebraska/ 

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

Last night's ice storm knocked out our internet again, so I won't be able to upload this morning's livestream Mass until it comes back on.  In the meantime, I invite you to pray the Stations of the Cross today.  This version composed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was prayed on Good Friday of 2005 shortly before he was elected Pope Benedict XVI.  It was recorded at St. John the Baptist, Deloit Township, NE.  It is recorded in such a way as to make you feel like you are at the church walking and praying through each station. 

Way of the Cross by Cardinal Ratzinger (St. John the Baptist Church)

Fr. Kevin Vogel

4 years ago • 414 views

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

My 8:00 am Sunday Morning Livestream Mass is live on Facebook and will be posted here later today.   https://www.facebook.com/cppnebraska/ 

4 years ago • Fr. Kevin Vogel

Last night's snow storm knocked out our internet, so I wasn't able to upload this morning's livestream Mass at 8:30.  Internet is now back, so the recording of Mass will be up soon.  In the meantime, I invite you to pray the Stations of the Cross today.  This version uses quotes from the Gospels and from the Diary of St. Faustina.  It was recorded at St. Peter de Alcantara in Ewing, NE.  It is recorded in such a way to make you feel like you are at the church walking and praying through each station. 

St. Faustina's Way of the Cross (St. Peter de Alcantara Church)

Fr. Kevin Vogel

4 years ago • 2,674 views