Banjar TV is the first local television station in South Kalimantan. Banjar TV was inaugurated on August 14, 2007. However, the initial idea to establish a television station had existed for two years. The strong reason for wanting to establish a local television station in Banjarmasin was because he felt challenged to see the development of local television stations in other cities, for example at that time television was established in Central Kalimantan. In June 2007 Banjar TV started broadcasting, but only in colorbar form. Two months later, the broadcast began to be filled with music video clips. In August 2007 it was also the first time the production of a news program entitled Selintas Info (such as Breaking News) which eventually developed into Lintas Banua until now. With the launch of Banjar TV on August 14, 2007, Banjar TV officially became the first local television station in Banjarmasin and had a permanent broadcasting license.