4 years ago • Morten Haugum Hake

Let's be real for a second. How many of the 5950 of you actually see this now? 

I do

I don't

6 votes

shared 4 years ago • Morten Haugum Hake

haha, is this really possible. Postception.

4 years ago • Morten Haugum Hake

A hidden gem here on Youtubez. Rob Brinded explains something thet is both so right under our nose, and yet so incredibly relevant. 


Hakeslepp - Rob Brinded's story

Morten Haugum Hake

12 years ago • 264 views

5 years ago • Morten Haugum Hake

Now five years ago. This insight still lingers in the back of my mind as I continue to see the nature of reality more clearly. What I felt that day was a relief. A release of built up constructs and beliefs I had created through the power of thought. Seeing that ‘house of cards’ for what it really is, flipped my day-to-day experience. I continue to feel more and more free in my life the more I look to truth. 

Review of Jamie Smart Workshop

Morten Haugum Hake

10 years ago • 1,159 views